Bihar Board 12th English 50 Marks Model Question Paper 2

Bihar Board 12th English Model Papers

Bihar Board 12th English 50 Marks Model Question Paper 2

Time: 01 Hours 37.5 Minutes
Full Marks : 50


  1. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as parcticable.
  2. Figures in the right hand margin indicate full marks.
  3. While answering the candidate should adhere to the words limit as far as practicable.
  4. 7.5 minutes of extra time has been alloted for the candidates to read the questions and follow the instructions carefully.
  5. All questions are compulsory.
  6. Use of any electronic device is strictly prohibited.
  7. This question paper is divided into two sections -Section -A and Section- B.
  8. In Section -A, there are 25 objective type questions, rach carrying 1 mark. Darken the circle with blue/black ball pen against the correct option on OMR Sheet provided to you. Do not use Whitener/ Liquid /Blade/Nail on OMR Answer sheet; otherwise, the restlt will be treated as invalid.
  9. In Section-B there are descripttive type questions.

Section – A

Objective Type Questions

There are 25 objective type questions, each carrying 1 mark. Darken the circle with blue/black ball pen against the correct option on OMR Sheet provided to you. Follow the instructions carefully:

Choose the most suitable answer from the choices given below [ 1 x 25 = 25 ]

Question 1.
Choose the suitable meaning of the phrase:
By hook or by crook
(a) to make possible by any means
(b) fair means
(c) decent means
(d) by no means
(a) to make possible by any means

Bihar Board 12th English 50 Marks Model Question Paper 2

Question 2.
The General was killed. The army fled. (Choose the suitable combination of sentences)
(a) The General was killed because the army fled.
(b) The General was killed and the army was fled.
(c) The General was killed and so the army fled.
(d) The army fled and, therefore the General was killed.
(b) The General was killed and the army was fled.

Question 3.
This is the book. He likes it most. (Choose the most suitable combination of sentences)
(a) This is the book, so he likes it most.
(b) This is the book, therefore he likes it most.
(c) This is the book, because he like it most.
(d) This is the book which he likes most.
(d) This is the book which he likes most.

Question 4.
Choose the following word correctly spelt:
(a) goverment
(b) government
(c) govarment
(d) govermant
(b) government

Question 5.
They would succeed if they (try) (Choose the most suitable option)
(a) They would succeed if they would try.
(b) They would succeed if they had tried.
(c) They would succeed if they were trying.
(d) They would succeed if they tried.
(d) They would succeed if they tried.

Question 6.
She agreed my proposal, (Choose the suitable prepositon)
(a) with
(b) for
(c) to
(d) on
(c) to

Question 7.
He came home late the evening (Choose the suitable preposition)
(a) with
(b) in
(c) at
(d) for
(b) in

Question 8.
Santosh deals grains. (Choose the suitable preposition)
(a) with
(b) in
(c) at
(d) for
(a) with

Question 9.
We saw them quarrel. (Choose the most suitable passive voice)
(a) They were seen by we quarrel.
(b) They were quarrelling as seen by us.
(c) They were seen quarrelling.
(d) They were quarrelling seen by us.
(c) They were seen quarrelling.

Question 10.
Choose the suitable meaning of the phrase : ‘at the eleventh hour’
(a) at the very beginning
(b) at the very last
(c) at once
(d) once upon a time
(c) at once

Bihar Board 12th English 50 Marks Model Question Paper 2

Question 11.
This girl never (see) the Taj Mahal. (Choose the most suitable option)
(a) This girl has never seen the Taj Mahal.
(b) This girl is never seen the Taj Mahal.
(c) This girl not see the Taj Mahal.
(d) This girl has seen the Taj Mahal never.
(a) This girl has never seen the Taj Mahal.

Question 12.
We there a week ago. (Fill the blank with the most suitable option)
(a) go
(b) had been gone
(c) went
(d) was going
(c) went

Question 13.
The students when the teacher came into the classroom. (Choose the suitable option)
(a) sang
(b) had sung
(c) was sang
(d) were singing
(d) were singing

Bihar Board 12th English 50 Marks Model Question Paper 2

Question 14.
He is vexed his neighbour. (Choose the most suitable option)
(a) at
(b) with
(c) on
(d) for
(b) with

Question 15.
Yeats was with great poetic talents. (Choose the most suitable opiton)
(a) granted
(b) given
(c) gifted
(d) acquired
(c) gifted

Question 16.
‘David Copperflcld’ is a novel about psychology. (Choose the suitable opiton)
(a) adult
(b) female
(c) child
(d) old
(c) child

Question 17.
Who was David’s early nurse ? (Choose the suitable option)
(a) Agnes Wickfield
(b) Uriah Heep
(c) Micawber
(d) Clara Peggotty
(d) Clara Peggotty

Question 18.
Who wrote the piece ‘Robin’ ? (Choose the suitable option)
(a) Robert Lynd
(b) Jim corbett
(c) A. G. Gardiner
(d) Pearl S. Buck
(b) Jim corbett

Question 19.
The poet wants to go back to Innisfree because of (Choose the suitable option)
(a) the fond memories of the place
(b) the charm of city life
(c) ugliness of the place
(d) beauty of cities
(a) the fond memories of the place

Question 20.
The poem ‘If is addressed to
(a) the poet’ wife
(b) the poet’s mistress
(c) the poet’s father
(d) the poet’s son.
(d) the poet’s son.

Question 21.
The writer of the piece ‘On Letter Writing’ is (Choose the correct opiton)
(a) A. G. Gardiner
(b) Robert Lynd
(c) J. C. Hill
(d) C.E. M. Joad
(a) A. G. Gardiner

Question 22.
Who talks about ‘the leafy boughs’ ? (Choose the suitable opiton)
(a) W.B. Yeats
(b) Walter de la Mare
(c) Rupert Brooke
(d) William Wordsworth
(a) W.B. Yeats

Bihar Board 12th English 50 Marks Model Question Paper 2

Question 23.
Letter writing was done more carefully in the (Choose the most suitable option)
(a) Present
(b) Prehis historic period
(c) past
(d) future
(c) past

Question 24.
Wordsworth saw a host of daffodils beside the (Choose the suitable opiton)
(a) river
(b) lake
(c) sea
(d) hill
(b) lake

Question 25.
Who wrote the poem’ Everyone Sang’ ? (Choose the suitable option)
(a) Siegfried Sassoon
(b) W. B. Yeats
(c) T. S. Eliot
(d) William Wordsworth
(a) Siegfried Sassoon


Non-Objective Type Questions

Question 1.
Answer any two, each in about 75 words of the following: (5 x 2 = 10)
(a) Why are order and safety necessary for Civilization ?
(b) Why was the writer angry with the Photographer ?
(c) How is Modern Civilization different from Old Civilization ?
(d) How did the dalesman avoid the postal charges ?
(e) Why does the writer say that absent-mindedness may be a virtue ?
(a) No civilization can develop in the atmosphere of chaos and anarchy. Order and safety are necessary for any civilization to move on the path of development and maturity. Society cannot survive without order and safety. If is free for all, our society will destroy itself. People can make a use of their talent and energy only, if there exist order and safety in our society.

(b) Because of humiliation and insult of his face. The Photographer was continously criticizing the auttor’s face as he felt that the face was not appropriate for a photograph. The author felt humiliated at this. He couldn’t bear he insult anymore, as his face was his own only.

(c) Modern civilization depends upon machines for almost all of its where as the ancient civilization there were no machines. Order and safety is an important achievement of the modern civilization where as the ancient civilization suffered from the fear of war and violence. Another difference we see is that whereas the ancient civilization had to suffer and bear pain due to illness people of modern civilization are almost free from the tear of pain.

(d) The Dalesmen avoided the postal charges by putting an agreed sign on the letters written and sent. The sign was understood by those who had received them. So, the letters were handed back to the postman without opening them.

(e) It not good to crowd one’s mind with a lot of memories of prosaic things. There is left no space for lofty and grand thoughts in that case. Here absent mindedness becomes a virtue fora creative person.

Bihar Board 12th English 50 Marks Model Question Paper 2

Question 2.
Show in about 75 words that you have read and understood one of the following poems : (5)
(a) If
(b) The Lake Isle of Innisfree
(c) The Daffodils
(a) If : ‘If is composed by Rudyard kapling a verstile geneus and noble prize winner in English literature in 1907. The poet has a long experience of the India and the Indian. The identified him-self as an Indian.

The poet tells us to be firm in our stand. We should give conces-sion to the ideas of other people who has doubted our activities and idiologies. It is his view that when others are defeated and they think responsible for their defeat, we should come a fig for them. If we can wait and one not tired of waiting we should not speak a lie. If we are being hated by other we should not hate others. In nature we should note be self rightous if we can talk wisely and intelligently.

We should of course, dream but we should be the master of out- dream. It we have capacity to think, we should not make our thoughts our aim. They should not be treated equally. If we have strength to it, U ouble disterted by scomdrels to tolerable others folle. We must culti vales it, we must watch each and every activity in life.

The language of the poem is simple. Kipling a master crafts man so the moral lesson of the peom is art fully concealed.

(b) The lake Isle of Innisfree: This is a beautiful poem of peace and beauty composed by W. B. Yeats, an eminent poet of our century.

Innisfree is a small Island in Ireland. The poet had stayed in the island of Innisfree for some time. He enjoyed the natural beauty of the place during his stay there. Here the poet shows his love and admira¬tion for the place. He wants to go and live in the island of Innisfree. It he peaches there, he will construct a small cabin of clay and sticks and live there in solitude. He will have there nine rows of bean there. He will also be able to see the behaviour and enjoy the humming tune from the bees in the open space of the local forest. The poet wants to go the lake island for peace.

He imagines as if peace dropping from the veils of the morning is the same way as dew drops drop. There is silence all around except the sound of the cricket. The island is full of natural beauty. One can find peace and tranaquility during the morning hours. One may enjoy bright moon, linnets sweet music during even hours and faint and soothing light at midnight.

The poet in the last stanza explains why he prefers to stay in Innisfree. He seems to hate the noisy atmosphere of the town area. The lapping sound of the lake water seems to call him to innisfree. Even when he is standing on the road or on the pavements he seems to hear the soft music of the small waves of the lake rising and falling.

The words cesed in the poem are simple but meaningful. The lines are highly musical. The rhyme scheme in the poem is as follows as easy thing. These it is a successful poem.

(c) The Daffodils: The Daffodils is a representative poem of words worth. His love of Nature and his great joy in the company of nature have been effectively expressed in the poem. The poem ex-presses his uncommon power of observation it shows his unusual delight in the common place thing.

Once the poet was wandering aimlessly alone suddersdy. he saw a large number of daffodils under the trees by the side of the lake. They were golden. They were countless. They were dancing in the gentle wind. They shone like stars at night. The waves were too danc¬ing in the lake. But the daffodils outdid in sheer joy. The poet was extremely happy in their joyful company. He started at them thought lessly. He hardly realised them that the scene was getting permanently imprinted on his sensitive mind.

Later on, whatever the poet was alone and in thoughtful mood, the flowers flashed on his mind’s eye. That is to say, his joy was the product of his solitude. The recollected scene gave him the same pleasure as he had enjoyed to see the actual scene.

Bihar Board 12th English 50 Marks Model Question Paper 2

Question 3.
Discuss in about 75 words either of the following : [5]

Discuss the theme of David Copperfield.
Character-sketch of David copperfield-David copperfield is the most popular novel of Charles Dickens, an outstanding Victorian novelist. The novel describes the story of David, a poshumous child, from his child hood to his adulthood or till he becomes a famous writer. David is often identfied with Dickness him self.

David is born six months after the death of his father. He is loved by his mother, Clara with heart and soul and looked after well by maid servant, Peggotty. His life in full of Joy and happiness. It sakes a turn for worse when his mother monies Mr. Murdstone. The step-father of David is very cruel and hard-hearted. He often beats David. David does not like him. lOnce he bites Murdstone while he has been beating him.

David isbeaten black and blue find confined in a room for five days. The sister of Murdstone is equally cruel to David. His mother is helpless. A child is also bom to his mother. David is sent to Salam House. The headmaster Dr. Creakle is no less hard-hearted. In the meantime, his mother dies. David attends her funeral. His step-father refues to bear the cost of his education. David is employed as a cleaner of empty bottles.

His life become difficult. He has hard work from moring to night. He lives with the family of Mr. Micawberbest Micawber is sent to Jail when be fails to return the money of his creditors. David becomes Jobless. Luckily he reacles the house of his auns, Betsy Trotwood who arranges for his education-David lives with the Mr. Wickfield He married with Dora. Dora a falls ill and dies. Later on he married with Agnes. He leams short and becomes a reporter. Lateron he becomes a famous writer and earns a lot name and fame.

Bihar Board 12th English 50 Marks Model Question Paper 2


Sketch the character of Uriah Heap.
“Uriah Heep is a puzzling and unsatisfactory character. There is a certain psychological insight in the original conception of him. He is a man deliberately trading on the moral confusion of others. Inability to distinguish between Christian humility and the social subervience of the lower orders was we know a common Victorian failing and one which can be traced back to the origins of the serious English novel to Richardson’s Pamela. It is credible that a clever roge starting with every social handicap as a charity boy should qickly detect this blind spot in the society arond him, land trade on it.

But his repellent physical nature is unfairly over-stressed, and treated as if it were a moral failing. His damp, sweaty palm is not merely like so many physical details in Dickens, exaggerated it is presented as exactly what we should expect of such an ill-bred fellow. Physical repulsion, moral disapproval and class superiority are mingled, are boiled up together into a kind of broth where they become indistinguishable.

And the indignation David feels labout Uriah’s wish to marry Agnes cannot possible be put down to respect for her virtue. Uriah is called “a redheaded animal” soas to exploit the cheap horror of a possible sexual violation of the pure maiden. Here, in the midst of reading an important work of a very great novelist, we are astomished to find ourselve in the world of Murder in the cathedral “but worse, because Dickens lacks the redeeming naivete of such a work”.

And to quote Baker, “Dickens has been blamed in this case for unsoundness and forcing the note. But, except that he make capital out of the man’s rescality, using him as the agent of Mr. Wickfield’s ruin, to be followed by that gentleman’s complete restoration, there is surely no inconsistency of drawing in either Uriahon his mother.”

Bihar Board 12th English 50 Marks Model Question Paper 2

Question 4.
Write a paragraph in about 75 words on one of the following :(5)
(a) A village Fair
(b) True Friend
(c) Pen in mightier than the sword.
(a) A village Fair: The fair that is organised at a village or in rural areas is called a village fair. It is an integral part of village life. It is very important for the people living in rural areas. It fulfills the needs of several adjoining villages. Here things of daily needs are sold and purchased. Small traders and villagers come to village fairs with their articles and products to sell. Most of them sit on the ground with their things of sale.

Food grains, vegetables, seeds, clothes, agricultural implements, utensils and other essential commodities are sold there. Women also participate in fairs in large numbers. Even cattle are sold and purchased there. A village fair is really a boon for the villagers. They are free from the worry of going to towns and cities to sell or purchase the things they need. Village fairs give a boost to rural economy. Even children like to visit village fairs with their parents.

(b) True Friend: Friend play an important role in a person’s life. They encourage when on is said. They entertain when one is lone some, and they listen when one has problems. There are varieties of friends, co workers social workers, Schoolmates and much more. Each type of friends is helpful in one way or the other co-workers could helpful in one way or the other.

Loyal is one of the main qualities one looks when searching for friends. Trusts are gain by having trustworthy friends. At least once is a person’s life, one would encounter a friend that likes to spare secrets that belong to others with his/her friends. This could be very entertaining for his/her friends, yet the persons with the secret would feel irritate

Bihar Board 12th English 50 Marks Model Question Paper 2

(c) Pen in mightier than the sword : “The Pen is mightier than the sword” implies that a pen is extremely powerful. Even thought it is small in size, it has the power to accomplish things that a mighty sharp edged sword can’t accomplish.

The Pen is mightier than the sword has been used to emphasize the power of words over violence. It indicates that the power press is greater and more effective than that of direct violence. This is to say that the point we can put across or explained by way of violence. It means that the act of writing can have stronger impact on people than the act of violence. It states that words have the ability to solve the problems more effectively than force. Pen and writing indicate civilized behavior which is for better than applying brutal force to achieve things. Do not underestimate the ability and power of small things. They can at times have a stronger impact than the biggest things.

The Pen certainly is more powerful than the sword. The tasks that can be completed with a small tip of a pen can’t be accomplished if we use somethings as mightier as a sword.

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