Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Objective Questions and Answers
BSEB Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Objective Answers Chapter 10 Fixed and Working Capital Requirements
Question 1.
Various public utility undertakings have to invest heavily on :
(A) Current Assets
(B) Fixed Assets
(C) Fictitious Assets
(D) None of the above
(B) Fixed Assets
Question 2.
Long-term loan bears:
(A) Fixed Rate of Interest
(B) Flexible Rate of Interest
(C) Zero Rate of Interest
(D) None of the above
(A) Fixed Rate of Interest
Question 3.
Working Capital
(A) Permanent Working Capital
(B) Variable Working Capital
(C) Regular and Seasonal
(D) All the above
(D) All the above
Question 4.
Net Working Capital means:
(A) C. A.-C.L.
(B) C. A.+ C. L.
(C) C. L. – C. A.
(D) None of the above
(A) C. A.-C.L.
Question 5.
Regular Working Capital is the part of:
(A) Permanent Working Capital
(B) Variable Working Capital
(C) Net Working Capital
(D) None of the above
(A) Permanent Working Capital
Question 6.
Fixed cost includes:
(A) Cost of raw material
(B) Cost of labour
(C) Cost of power
(D) Cost of factory
(D) Cost of factory
Question 7.
Fixed Capital is:
(A) Long-term
(B) Short-term
(C) Permanent
(D) None of the above
(A) Long-term
Question 8.
Working Capital is what type in the nature ?
(A) Stable
(B) Unstable
(C) Floating
(D) Neither A nor B above
(B) Unstable