Bihar Board Class 10 English Paragraph Writing
Write a paragraph in about 80or 100 words on the following:
1. The Indian Farmer
The life of the Indian farmer is very hard. He has to work hard from dawn to dusk. He does not cafe for the inclemencies of weather. He may be seen working in his fields in the burning sun and the bitins cold. Sometimes he has to work at night, too. He hardly gets two square meats a day. He cannot enjoy the pleasures of life. He is always in debt. The yield Of crops is very poor because he still carries on his cultivation by old methods. He depends plainly on rain for water. His only source of income is agriculture. So, the failure of crops mins him He is so steeped in poverty, ignorance and superstition that he cannot improve his lot.
2. Newspapers Or, The Importance of Newspaper
Newspapers are veiy useful in modem life. They are the source of both information and entertainment. They give us information about the latest events of the world. They offer comments on current events and enable us to form our own opinions on national and international problems. ‘Every reader gets some materials for himself in newspapers. Tney give a lot of information about films, sports, books and market prices. Those who are in search of jobs find advertisements for various jobs in newspapers. Besides, the reading of a newspaper improves our language. Thus, we can say that newspapers are a part of our daily life.
3. The Postman
The postman is a most useful public servant. He works in the post-office. He does a great service to us. We cannot do without him. We all become happy to see him He brings letters to us from our friends and relations. He also brings parcels and money-orders to us. Sometimes he brings us happy telegrams about our success. He works all the year round. He moves from door to door in sun and rain. He knows every person of his area. Everyone awaits his arrival, though sometimes he brings sad news also. We do not have to go to the post-office for our letters. The postman himself comes to us.
4. Bicycle
Bicycle is an important means of communication. It costs a small amount and provides many benefits. We may easily reach our destination much earlier than to walk on foot. We are able to carry another person and cany our useful article or goods on the bicycle. We can even move easily to a narrow street or ‘a place not communicable to other vehicles like car, trucks, rickshaw etc. It is also beneficial to our health, being a good exercise by moving from one place to another on it. It costs little and saves our expenditure in comparison to other means of communication. Thus, bicycle is most useful to us in all respects.
5. Science – A boon or a curse 12013 (A)]
In modem times, science is reallv a true companion of mankind. We cannot do anything without it. In every walk of lile, it helps us like a real friend, may it be agriculture, industry, health, environment, travel, entertainment, communication and information technology. We may know about the international affairs, every now and then by’ sitting before a television set. But tire misuse of science turns it into a curse. We are responsible for its dreadful acts, by making bombs and maiy other destructive equipments and devices. Thus, science is a boon (blessing) or a curse, depending solely on, its uses and misuses.
6. Global Terrorism [2013 (A)]
Terrorism has crossed borders and has developed into a global issue. The US had been aiding terrorist outfits around the world to ‘contain the influence of communism. In the Arab region it tried to prevent the spread of Arab nationalism. The peace process for Palestinians is being undertaken. Afghanistan has remained a war-tom. region. The ascendency of Islamic fundamentalism in the region has been accomplished by the US and Pakistan. Sri-Lanka has also been ripped apart by ethnic violence. Terrorist outfits should not receive state patronage from countries.
7. The Washerman
The washerman is a useful member of society as he washes our clothes. He works hard from dawn to dusk but he does not earn much. He collects dirty clothes from different houses. He boils them in a solution of water and soda for some time. Then he takes them to a river or tank and washes them. He spreads them in the sun for drying. Then he iron the washed clothes and returns them to his customers. In spite of his hard labour he does not earn much. So, his condition is miserable.
8. The Policeman
The policeman has to do a veiy hard job. He is always watchful and vigilant. He has to obey the orders of his superiors without any murmur. He must not fear the sun, the rain or the cold weather. He detects crimes and arrests criminals. He goes out on rounds at night in his area to see if bad characters are out to commit crime. His main duty is to protect life and property. He is responsible for peace and-safety in his area Sometimes his life is m danger, in big towns policemen also control the traffic and thus prevent accidents.
9. Your favourite teacher
Shri R. B. Roy is the best teacher of my school. He is very generous and kind-hearted. He is a great scholar. He is a very efficient teacher. He teaches English and Hindi in top classes. He makes.his lessons very interesting. Rarely a boy is found absent from his class. It is a pleasure to attend his classes. He is a very strict disciplinarian. There is pin-drop silence in his class. But at the same time he is very sympathetic and affectionate in his behaviour. He seldom loses his temper. He is always impartial. So, he commands our love and respect.
10. A Village Fair
A village fair is almost like a periodical market. Most of the villages are far from towns. So, the village fair serves the needs of villagers, if is generally held in a big spacious place outside a village. A central site is chosen so that other neighbouring villages may not be very far fromit. Stalls which are temporarily erected are arranged in rows. Shopkeepers from towns and villages hire those stalls.-They bring various kinds of things for display and sale. Vast crowds gather to see and buy things: The cinema, circus, magic shows, etc., visit these village fairs to entertain the crowd. A fair is a place where villagers meet their friends and relatives. The village fair lasts for about a week.
11. A Village Market [2011 (G)]
The village market is a place where people gather to buy and sell things. People from nearby villages also visit this market. There are a few permanent shops in the market. But we find a good number of temporary shops there. Most of the shopkeepers pile their things on the ground They sell grains, vegetables, fish, coarse cloth, stationery, utensils, sweets and agricultural implements. There is a lot of noise in the village market. It is difficult to settle the price of a thing because of bargainin’!. A person who visits the market for the first time may be easily swindled. Though the market is full of noise, dust and disorder, it is very useful to villagers.
12. My Favourite Book Or, The Book You Like Most
Books are the treasure of knowledge. I have read many books but I like Bhagwad Gita most. It is a part of the Mahabharat. Lord Krishna through this Bhagwat Gita preached Arjuna. Arjuna did not like to fight in the battle¬field Lord Krishna gave him the message of Niskam Karm. He told him that a man must go on doing his duty without any motive to fulfil his desires. He told Arjuna that the soul is immortal whereas this body is perishable. Thus, he should not get worried about the death of Drona ana Bhishma. Thus, immortality of soul has been very well presented in the Gita. It has rich philosophy. It gives us peace of mind.
13. The Cinema
The cinema is the most popular means of entertainment in modem life. As soon as the film begins we are transported to another- world. We forget for the moment that the men and women enacting the drama of life are nothing but moving pictures oh a screen. We watch the actions of men and women with great curiousity. We forget our sorrows and-share their joys. When the hero dies, we feel pity for him We forget our cares and anxieties when we watch a good film. Some films also teach us good lessons. They also help us in leading our life in a better way.
14. Your Favourite Game Or, The Game you Like Most.
I like football most. It is a very popular game in our country. I like it for several reasons. It is a very interesting game. It gives us some mental exercise, too. We have to be alert and active all the time. We need intelligence and imagination for scoring a goal. We develop fellow-feeling, a sense of co¬operation and team spirit through this game. We develop good habits and manners. This game is also very cheap. Its rules are simple. We only need a playground and a leather ball with a rubber bladder for the game.
15. The Season You Like Most Or, Spring Seoson [2014 (A) Set-II]
Of all the seasons I like the spring most. It is the best season of the year. It is called the queen of the seasons: How beautiful the earth looks during this season! Different kinds of flowers bloom in the spring. The smiling flowers give us a lot of joy. They make us forget our cares and anxieties’. When we walk in a garden, we are filled with joy. The cuckoo i$ mad with joy. Its sweet notes chaiyn us. The days of the springs are very pleasant. The spring brings beautiful sights and charming sounds. It is the season of joy. That is why I am very fond of this season.
16. The Festival I like most Or, An Indian Festival
India is a land of Festivals. Holi, Deepawali, Durga-Puja, etc. are some of the festivals of Hindus. I like Holi festival most. Holi is the famous festival of Hindus. It is a festival of joy and beauty. The festival adds to the beauty of the’Season. People eat, drink and make merry..They beat drum. They go from house to house. They use colour and abir on the face and body of their friends and negihbours. The rich and the poor, the high and low are mad of joy. They embrace each other. This festival marks the victory of good over evils. It reminds us of the story of Prahlad and Hiranyakashyap.
17. Friendship
In our life, which is generally full of sorrow and misery, friendship is a great blessing. It lessens our sorrow and doubles our joys. In this world of pain and suffering, friendship provides a ray of hope. There is mutual sympathy between two friends. They share the joys and sorrows of each other. Fnendship makes the tiresome journey of life pleasant. Real friendship is based on unselfishness and mutual love. A true friend is ready to make any sacrifice for his friend. He is always loyal to his friend. He admires his friend’s virtues and forgives his faults. But true friendship is rare in this world of ours.
18. The usefulness of Electricity
Electricity is a very useful and important necessity today. People have turned it to various uses. It is used to light houses, streets androads. It turns the fan over our heads and keeps us coot in summer. The electric light is very’ convenient. We press the switch and our room is at once Hooded with lisht. Electricity drives trams, trains and other vehicles. It also cooks our food. The telephone, telegraph, cinema, radio and television are worked by electricity. ‘ Thus, electricity helps us in receiving messages from distant places. Electricity is a great friend oi man. If electricity is not available, all the comforts of modem life will lose their meaning.
19. Walking
Walking is a good exercise and everyone can practise it without any trouble. It improves our health and refreshes our mind. It suits both the old and the young. But it is quite necessary’ for the weak and old persons. It is equally suitable for the people engaged in mental work. Walking is entertaining only when we walk in company of friends. Walking with friends has its own pleasure which can only be felt, not described. Some people like to walk alone. It is the only form of exercise that is good for children, women and the convalescents alike. One who misses it, perhaps misses a lot of good things.
20. The Importance of Discipline
Discipline is necessary in every walk of life. In fact, discipline adds to our success. Without discipline our social life will be sad ana disorderly, Discipline is the most important factor behind the progress of any nation. It is necessary in schools. Students must be disciplined”because they are the future citizens of their country. If the drivers do not obey the rules of the road, it may be dangerous to move on the road. Can a family be happy if all members refuse to obey the head of the family? If the soldiers lack discipline, they will lose a battle. So, discipline is absolutely essential for life.
21. The Importance of Games and Sports.
Games and sports are vital in our life. Like food and drink, they are also very-’ important. Lire is dull without games. Games and sports develop in us a sense of fellow-feeling. They train our minds and shape our thinking. A real sportsman is a true gentleman. Games and sports inculcate in us the*spirit of co-Operation, discipline, honesty and sportsmanship. A sportsman has a healthy spirit of competition. He plays tor the sake of playing and is never jealous ‘of others.
22. Television Or, Importance of Television
[2011(A); 2014 (A) Set-II] Television is one of the wonders of science. It is very common and popular these days. It means distant vision It receives and transmits visual vision. It enables the people to see whatever happens in different parts of the country and the world! Now, it has become a major form of media communication. The games and sports held in India and abroad are presented to us on television. Silting at home we can enjoy thei a Now, as a great means of education. It can educate the students about the latest discoveries of science and technology. It is also good for farmers. It educates the tanners about the latest technical devices of agriculture. There are some disadvantages of television Some people do nothing but watch the television. It causes unnecessary wastage of time and energy. But advantages ofT.V. are more than the disadvantages.
23. Health is Wealth
We all know the saying Health is wealth. Health is the most precious thing in human life. Life without good health is no life at all. An unhealthy man “leads a miserable life. He mav be rich, but he finds no pleasure in life. His iife becomes a burden to him. A healthy man can achieve success by dint f hard work. Good health is the key to success in life. The real wealth of man is his health. The secret of happiness in human life is good health. Without health riches are useless. So, sound health is our real treasure. We must keep ourselves fit and healthy. Good health sweetens our life and brings prosperity. “A sound mind in a sound body” is a reality.
24. Honesty is the Best Policy
Honesty is one of the greatest virtues of man. It is very useful in human life. It makes the life of a than happy and successful. An honest man wins success and is admired by all. Honesty is the greatest source of strength. A man who is honest has nothing to fear and nothing to be ashamed of. Honesty is his greatest weapon. An honest man may not get success in the beginning, but in the long run his honesty brings name and fame. The success of a dishonest man is his failure, because in future nobody will trust him. So, honesty should be the principle of our life.
25. The Advantages of Early Rising
There are many advantages of early rising. A man who is an early riser gets time to do lots of work. In the early morning the mind is fresh. So, an early riser can do hard work more attentively. An early riser enjoys the beauty of Nature in the morning. He gets fresh morning air which keeps him fit for the whole day. Early rising is good for health. An early riser goes to bed early, and sleeps well at night. An early riser can do a lot of workbefore the other people get up. He is healthy, happy and relaxed most of the time. So, early rising has many advantages.
26. Your Aim in Life Or, My Aim in Life [2013(A)]
I want to serve my country in the best possible way. I want to become a leader for doing some useful work for my country. I find that there is a big gap between the aspirations of the masses and their fulfilment. So, it is the duty of the leaders of India to understand their aspirations and tiy for their fulfilment. True and good leaders are those who are always willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake, of their people and their country. If there are no good leaders, the country’ may have to pass through a critical period of its history. I wish to be an honest and hard-workingleader. I want to sen’s and do something for my country. May God make my dream come true one day.
27 The Happiest Day in Your Life
Shall I ever forget the day which brought me fortune? The memory of . the happiest day in my life is still fresh in my mind. When 1 woke up in the morning I could not expect that it would be a lucky day. As I took a glance at the newspaper lying on the table, I found to my surprise that I had won the first prize in a lottery. My mother embraced me lovingly as I announced the news. I was beside myself wnh excitement. It was a stroke of luck and I had w become rich in a moment. I wondered how I would spend that huge amount which I would get shortly. I was lost in the world of dreams.
28. The Scene at a Railway Station
The Railway station is a very’ colourful place. It is full of life and * activities. Passengers are seen walking or talking leisurely till their train arrives. With the arrival of the train, there is increase in the magnitude of noise and excitement. Every passenger is on his legs. As the train stops, everyone rushes towards the compartment. Sometimes a large number of passengers hasten towards one compartment only. The porters higgle and argue with the passengers for their charges. In the rush that follows in getting into and coming out of the compartments, pick-pockets pick the pockets To some of the passengers.
29. The Ganga
The Ganaa is a holy river. Krises from the Himalayas. The Ganga flow’s through Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Bengal Then it falls into tire Bay of Bengal. The Ganga divides Bihar into two parts; one part is North Bihar and the other is South Bihar. There are many towns and cities on its banks. The Ganga is useful to farmers. People take a bath in it on religious occasions. The Hindus worship the Ganga and call it Ganga Mata.
30. A Student life [2011(C)]
A student life is the future hope of a country. A student’s life is very hard. He has to labour hard. No student can progress without hard labour. He is always in want of money. He has to depend on others for everything. He sometimes faces many problems. A student is the backbone of a country. He must get all facilities. Some students are rude. They cannot learn anything. They lose the bright future their life. Life is a learning process. A student s period is short. He must get free education. He must get tood and cloth free of cost. We ought to help him with books and pens also.
31. Mv Hobby
Every man has got some hobby. Some are interested in reading novels and short stories. My hobby is to read religious books. I read the Quoran, the Gita, the Bible and so on. I get light from these books. I read some comments on these books. I am very fond of such books. Such books are full of Science, Arts, Philosophy and what-not.-I remain sitting at home and go on reading these books. They are of great use to us. They are full of morals.
32. Your (our) Village.
Life in our village is peaceful but not pleasant.’ Our village has no roads and electricity. It has no hospital and dispensary. Our village has the pleasures of nature. There are green fields looking like beautiful gardens. There are fresh air and water here. It is free from pollution. It is free tropi dim and bustle of the town life. We get pure milk ana food. Living in a villagers good for health. But we lack many things here. We are not able to get medical help in time of needs. Newspapers and magazines are not easily available here. We have no means of transport to go easily to distant places. We get letters from friends and relatives after a long delay. But there is peace and tranquillity here. Our villagers live in harmony. Thus, the life here is peaceful and happy but lacks many things of comfort and luxury.
33. Summer Vacation
Summer vacation means the closure of schools, college and other educational institution in summer. Sometimes in the months of June, due to excessive hot weather, it becomes very much difficult for the students to attend their classes. Summer vacation comes for the students to study hard so that they may finish the pending work. They should not was their summer-vacation period idly periodidly, but to do the home work. It is the hightime when they should make ‘ preparation for the next examination for building up their future career.
34. My Neighbour
I live at Piro Chatra. It is a big village. Shri Lalit Singh is my neighbour. He lives just beside my house. He is a teacher in some high school, fie is an M.A. in English and History. He is very grave and gentle. Once my father was seriously ilL He daily came to my house. He helped us with money also. He is a good friend, philosopher and guide to us. He is a solid man. He has got four sons and two daughters. They are all well behaved. His wife is very noble and gentle. We call him uncle. He is an ideal neighbour.
35. Our School
I am a student. I read in Zila School Ranchi. It is an old school. It was founded in 1914. One thousand boys and girls read in this school. There are 30 teachers. They are qualified. All are trained. They teach us with love and care. There is a provision for games and sports. All games are played. We take part in it. Annual function is field every year. Good students are rewarded. It has a rich library. There is a rich science laboratory. There is a small garden in front of the school. The school has a pucca house. The rooms are airy and lighted. There is a hostel. Intelligent boys reside iif it. Most of the students of our school get first division in the Secondary Board Examination. We are • proud of our school.
36. Morning Walk Or, Walking is a good exercise.
Walking is a good exercise. Everyone can do it easily. It brings energy. We can walk both the times, in morning and evening. Morning walk is the better of the two. Evening walk is also very useful. It is a very good habit. For this every one has to get up very early in the morning. He soon starts for the bank of a river, a canal or a pond. He may JJO to a green park in a town. There he gets fresh air. He sees the sun rise. They are very useful to health. His mind gets fresh. He can work very peacefully all day long. Walking costs us nothing. We may walk with our mends and relations. Our talks should be healthy then. Evening walk also brings sound sleep in the night.
37. Cleanliness
Cleanliness is next to godliness. Everyone likes it. It removes dirts and refuses.’’Dirtiness-breeds diseases. It dulls our brain. A neat and clean man does anything properly. He can think well. He can do everything beautifully. Dirts and refuses should be thrown out of the house daily. We have a bath daily. We keep our body neat and clean. We clean our clothes. We sweep our floor with a broom. We should at once throw our dirts and refuses. We should not make nuisance here and there. We should clean our drains. We should advise our neighbours to do likewise. We should not go to a dirty place.
38. Discipline Or, Good manners Or, The value of discipline
Discipline means manners. It teaches us how to live a good and social life. No discipline, no life. Manners make the man. We learn discipline and manners in classes. We can’t rise in life without it: Everyone hates an indisciplined man. Discipline is the best way of life. It promotes fellow feeling, intimacy and good relationship. Man is respected everywhere due to his’manners. He gets elevated in life due to it. Discipline is a good action. We have to work and behave decently. This will keep us in a good position every -where. Learning minus discipline is a big zero.
39. A Great National Leader of India Or, Great National Leader [2012(A)]
India is a vast country. It has been slave for long. Our national leaders and patriots made this countiy free. Mahatma Gandhi was the greatest of ‘ them. If it is said that one man nas made this country free, the man is none but. Mr. Gandhi. He is popularly called Bapujee. He was bom on the 2nd Oct. 1869. His father’s name was Karamchand Gandhi. His wife’s name was Kasturba. Kasturba was also a great patriot. She died in jail for the country. Bapujee was jailed several times. Dr Rajendra Prasad, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Ballabh Bhai Patel, Moulana Abulkalam Azad, Subhash Chandra Bose and others were his true disciples. He got freedom by dint of his untold sacrifices. Hepreached non¬violence, love and touehability among the people of hi s country. Thus he aroused the sense of nationality, brotherhood ana fraternity among the people of this countiy. He vyas rightly called the father of the nation. How can we forget him in life? ‘ ” . .
40. The value of science
Today is the’era of science. Science is our life. At present we cannot do without it. We need it all the time. Science has brought about untold changes in our life. Electricity, trains, planes, cars, T. V., radio and other are the main gifts of science. We are much profiled by them. Still we lag behind most of the other countries of the world in science. Our life is now fast. We have to finish so many things in a very short period. We have to apply the scientific method in all walk of life. Then we can fully progress in life. Science has proved a great boon to the society.
41. Your Principal, Or Headmaster
I am apupil at a high School. There.are sixteen teachers. One is head. He is called headmaster. His name is Shri Rajendra Singh. He is a trained M. A. His knowledge is deep. He has a taste for poetry. He teaches well. He is a good manager. He keeps the house neat and clean. He has a strong sense of discipline. He obeys rules. Others follow him. So there is peace in the school. Good boys love him. Teachers respect him People honour him. He punishes bad boys. To spare the rod is to spoil the child, he knows it. Sometimes he takes the classes. He inspires his teachers for better performance in the class. He is a man of plain living and high thinking.
42. Deepawali
Deepawali is a great festival of the Hindus. It isjcelebrated in the month of Kartik. It is the day of happiness and joy. On this very day, Lord Ram returned from the forest. We celebrate Deepawali in the.memoty of that incident. Every house is cleaned and white washed. Houses are lignted with earthen lamps, candles or electric bulbs. We worship goddess Lakshmi also on the day. Lakshmi is goddess of wealth. Businessmen renew their account- books etc. Children play with crackers etc. Sweels are distributed in all the houses.
43. My School Garden [2012(A)]
My sch6ol garden wears different look in different parts of the year reflecting the methods of the different seasons and presenting flowers of different colour and fragrance. The scorching heat of the summer sun favours the multi-coloured portulacas, the lilies and the flowering trees that stand at the edge of the large warden boundary. The “Gul-Mohar” sparks its blazing glory’ while the ‘Golden labumam does not fall to lag behind. The trailing glory of the varied colourd Bougain-villaea are refreshing for the tired eyes. But it is winter that transforms our garden into a paradise with lush blooms of• Chrysanthemums, Dahiss, Salvias planted in skillfully organised manner. The borders of candy-tufls, phlox and verbinas call attention to themselves. But the bed of flowers that invitability’takes our breath away with its heady perfumes and riot of colours is-of course, our most beloved the Rose.
44. Our School Library
Our School has a library. It is not in good condition: The library is without a fulltime librarian. The jibrary-in-charge is also busy otherwise there is no reading room. The books also are old. So we musfimprove it. There should be a trained librarian. The library and reading room should be sunny and airy’. There should be funds for new and good books. Newspapers and magazines should be available in the library. Every student should get books from the library. In this way our poor school library can be improved.
45. Rewards of being kind-hearted [2011(A)]
We must be kind to all the living beings. It will never be harmful and in no case put to any loss to those who lire km cl hearted: On the other hand it will be a boon to our success and happiness in life. We should help the distressed • and needy persons. We should not hesitate even to help the evil persons by forgiving’their faults. Selfless help and sympathy will tear fruits and will be rewarded in course of time. A kind-hearted man’ will lead a blessed life. His life will never be filled with sorrow and misery’. People will come forward for iiis help in his days of misfortune and misery because.he had always helped all those who come to him, “Charity never goes unrewarded’ is a fact.
46. My Daily Life (My Daily Routine)
l am a student. 1 live in a village with my parents. I am an early-riser. I get up at 5 A.M. everyday. Then I attented the call of nature. 1 wash my hands and leet. Then I clean my teeth. I have my bath. I get my snack. I sit down tor my studies. I finish my home task. I do my class-lesson.. I have my meal. I go to school on foot. I return home by 4.30 P.M. I play some games with my friends. 1 sit at a table again. I do mv lessons till 9 P.M. Then I take my supper. 1 go to bed by ten, I pray to God. | get tired by that time, Sq 1 have a sound sleep at night. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. ”
47. Importance of Labour [2011(A)]
Sincere Labour never goes in vain. It is always rewarded. There is a proverb, “Work is worship.” Mere words and idle worship lead us nowhere. We worship great men ana noble souls who did a lot to make this world worthliving and happy. We must put in hard-work. This is the best form of worship. Moreover, there is nothing which cannot be achieved by hard-labour.
48. “An Ideal Student” Or, “The Most Popular Students of Your School”.
I read in Town H. E. School Sahebgani. Here are about two.thousand students. All are good. Ram Nath Prasad is the most popular student of my school. He is very intelligent and deligent. He is tall and handsome. Henever shirk labour. He always stands first in his class. He is vary obedient, social, noble, brave and patient. He takes an active part in the game and the sports of the school. He is good player of foot-ball and volley ball specially. He is never absent from the class. All teachers love him most. He is sure to rise in life. He is certainly an idea! student.
49. Holi Celebrations in My Colony Or, Festival of Holi
Holi is a festival for which I wait for he whole year, it’s indeed, a great pleasure to sprinkle coloured water on those whom you love and respect. This year’s Holi was also a memorable occasion. Early in the morning, boys of the colony gathered at different spots and would not let any passer-by go scot free. Some friends came from other colonies too and we enjoyed colouring one another’s face. We returned to our places at about 2 o’clock in the afternoon. I had to spend a long time in the bathroom gettimx rid of the colours on the face and hands. Bath over and mother served the delicious food made specially to celebrate Holi. After a nap, all members of my family dressed up for an outing. We went to the houses of our friends giving them Holi gifts, we came back home in a very happy frame of mind.
50. Value of Games
Games are most important part of our life. They’ are very important for the students. Out-door games help us to keep healthy. The games teach us to work and enjoy together. For no game can be played alone. Games create in us a spirit of discipline also. While playine the games, we have to follow the rules strictly . These days, our country’ needs good players. Our record in games has been far from good so far. We should understand tire value of games. In fact, the games should be made compulsory for every student.
51. A Visit to a Book Fair
There was held a Book Fair in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi in August, 2004. Our class teacher organised a visit to it. So one-Sunday we were taken to it. I was amazed to see hundreds of publishers and booksellers participating in it. There were thousands of books displayed. All the books had attractive designs. Almost all the subjects had been covered by these books. There were children’s books all round. 1 wanted to buy some general books. But their prices’ were very high. Visiting the Fair was indeed an experience in itself.
52. Dowry System in India
Giving and receiving of dowry is a social evil and a crime. Almost every eligible boy has a price. His parents dictate the terms and demand dowry in the form of cash and kind. Such demands put the poof father of the girl in a tight comer. He may beg, borrow or steal but he has to spend for his daughter’s marriage. The bride is tortured and even burnt alive. Isn’t it possible to finish this evil? Perhaps, we can check it to some extent through laws and proper’education.
53. Your Class Monitor [2012(A)]
Kumar Sobhit is the monitor of my class. He has to perform several duties to rnantain order in the class. He is a smart student. He is most gentle, co-
operative and very popular among the students and teachers. His most important duty is to keep discipline in the class in the absence of teachers. He helps the teachers in several ways. He brings chalk, map and charts from the office for the use of teachers, he distributes us our notebooks corrected by the teachers, among us. He looks after the mantainence of the class-room. Shobhit is an.ideal ciassmonitor in real sense.
54. An Ideal Teacher
The ideal persons are rare in any field of life. It is more so in the field of education. The reason is not far to seek. We expect too much from the teachers. However, the teachers are apart of the society. An ideal teacher is one who loves to learn and to teach. Yet most teachers are today devoted to money and honour. The society must provide these two things unasked to them. Only then can it expect to have ideal .teachers.
55. An Ideal Citizen
An ideal citizen is he who remembers his duties towars the society. Ideal citizens are rare. We read about them only in stories, believe it is not impossible to become art ideal citizen. One needs to have firm determination. Our selfishness will like us to go astray. Yet the lives of greatmen teach us that no one can become great without facing great difficulties. If these greatmen suffered so much, what do our petty sufferings matter?
56. My Best Friend
I am fortunate that I have many friends. Rakesh is my best friend. I like his company because our interests are alike. He is humorous but not cheap. He is clean in ms dress, speech and habits. He comes of a middle class family but he has set his aims high. He inspires me to study, to play and to think. Our attraction for each other is mutual. Our friendship is the envy of my classmates. It is not based on any selfish motive. I can do tor him any service.
57. Work is Worship
We worship God for all that He has blessed us with. We seek his blessings. We worship great men and noble souls who did a lot to make this world worthliving. Mere words and idle worship lead us nowhere. We must put in hard work. This is the best form of worship. Praying to God and doing nothing is not real worship. We should work honestly and with a will. Our success in life depends on the work we put in. Hard work will bear fruit and change this world into a paradise.
58. An Accident
There occurred a serious accident yesterday evening in our colony. A car was coming with a great speed. Suddenly there came a truck from the opposite direction. The car driver tried to overtake another car, before him. But the car struck the truck direct. The driver died on the spot. The car was smashed up completely. The truck driver had no fault. He was driving at the * normal speed.
59. Values of Trees in our life Or, Importance of trees [Board Exam 2011(A)]
Trees are as important to life as oxygen. Their benefits are too many. These can’t be counted. Trees provide fuel, fodder, furniture, fruits, oxygen, shelter to birds and animals etc. The most important is oxygen. Trees consume carbon dioxide and change it into oxygen. Then they provide beauty to the landscape. Without oxygen we can’t live for more than one minute. They keep . ecological balance of nature. They bring rain. Without this, there is no life.
60. A Hot Summer Day
This year in Jharkhand summer was very hot. June and July are the hottest months. Twenty third June was the hottest day this year. At noon sun was pouring fire. Outside it was really very hot. There were fewer people on the roads. Birds and animals had taken shelter in a shady place. All tne people perspired. Life seemed to have stopped. It was really very very hot day. The heat was unbearable.
61. A Visit to Zoo
Last Sunday my friends and I visited the Zoo. We bought the tickets and entered it. We saw various birds. They looked very beautitul. Their chirping charmed us greatly. Then we saw various monkeys. They gave us pleasure by their chattering. We also saw a gorilla. All the visitors were attracted to it. Crocodiles, elephants, tigers, lions, snakes and blue bulls looked fearsome. We were greatly excited to see them. We returned home in the evening.
62. The Person I like Most
I like my English teacher the most. She is very intelligent. She is a lady of great .wisdom. Her method of teaching is very good. We understand easily what she teaches. She gives many examples from real life. She is very smart. She’has a soft heart. Sne helps us with books. She is a very kind lady. She is polite too. We all love her very much. .
63. A Rainy Day [2012(A)]
A rainy day in summer is a great blessing. Last year the summer in Delhi was unusually hot. Hot winds continually blew from morning till evening. Nights, too, were close and stuffy. Hopeful eyes fixed at the sky prayed to God to have pity. God perhaps did listen and on the 18th of June; some clouds were seen gathering in the Sky. There was joy all around. It started pouring soon. The snowers came as a great relief to tne perspiring persons. Very soon there was knee-deep water everywhere. Old and young played and bathed in the rain. Mangoes were readily in demand. When the rain stopped, there was a rainbow in the sky. Heat had gone. All enjoyed a sound sleep at night.
64. An Idedal Family [2013(C)]
An ideal family leads a peaceful, happy and prosperous life. Everybody in the family realises his responsibilities and perform their duties. They maintain cordial and friendly relations with their neighbours and those persons who come in their contact. My family consists of nine persons, myself, my wife, two sons^ their wifes and three grandsons. It is an ideal and well planned family. All of the family members are co-operative, disciplined, sincere and dutiful. Everybody maintains courtsy and discipline showing due affection and respects to one another. My grandsons are obedient, well-mannered and smart. My sons and their wives lake all possible cares and services to me and my wife. They also instructed their children to do accordingly. My grandsons take keen interest in their studies, games and sports like cricket, toot- ball etc. Everybody in my family possesses keen sense of dischareing his duties and responsibilities. On the whole my family is the best example of an ideal unit of the society. I feel proud of my family members. For myself my family is a paradise. Thus, it is evident that an ideal family is just like “heaven” and an unruly family, “a hell”.