Bihar Board Class 11th English Book Solutions Prose Chapter 6 I Pass the Delhi Test Text Book Questions and Answers.
Rainbow English Book Class 11 Solutions Chapter 6 I Pass the Delhi Test
Bihar Board Class 11 English I Pass the Delhi Test Textual Questions and Answers
A. Work in small groups and discuss the following questions :
Question 1.
Do you play cricket ? How much do you like it ?
Yes, I play cricket. I like it very much.
Question 2.
Where and how did the game of cricket originate ?
Cricket developend in the early 18th century from the ‘bat and ball’ game played a century earlier, mainly by boys. Its rules were formulated by the Maiylebone Cricket Club (MCC), which was founded in 1787 and was for many years the governing body of the game.
Question 3.
How many countries play Test Cricket ? Can you make a list of these countries ?
Ten countries play Test Cricket. The following countries play Test cricket: Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, West Indies, England, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh.
Question 4.
What is the difference between a Test Match and a limited over one day match ?
A Test Match usually goes on for five days. There is no limit to overs. A team can go no batting till it is out or it decides to declare. A one day match is limited usually to 50 overs and it is only one day show.
Question 5.
Which form of cricket do you like more ? Give reasons.
I like a Test Match. It is more interesting and each team/player has a chance to display its best.
B. 1. Answer the following questions briefly :
Question 1.
Which boook of Gavasker was released on the eve of the test ? Who released the book ?
Gavaskar’s second book Idols was released on the eve of the test. It was released by Kapil Dev.
Question 2.
Who was the chief guest ? Who were the other important guests ?
Clive Lloyed was the chief guest. Michael Holding and Jeff Dujon were the other important guests.
Question 3.
Gavaskar could not take good rest, as he had intended. Why ?
Gavaskar went to his hotel to rest. But his wife’s friend Bijoya, her sisters and brothers with their spouses came to see them. A party was immediately arranged. So Gavaskar could not take rest.
Question 4.
‘Within hours the battle was to be resumed, so we went back to the hotel to rests.’ What does the ‘battle’ refer to ?
The battle here refers to the Second Test in Delhi.
Question 5.
Why did Gavaskar leave the nets early during practice ? What was Kapil’s reaction ?
Gavaskar was upset because a part of the crowd had passed nasty remarks on him. He left the nets early because he wanted to keep him cool and relax.
Kapil did not like Gavaskar’s leaving the nets but he did not say anything.
Question 6.
What did the young girls ask Gavaskar ? Why did he laugh at their request ? What does it suggest about the level of his confidence ?
The girls asked Gavaskar to score the fastest century of his career. Gavaskar laughed at their request because he did not hope to score even half a century. This shows that his level of confidence was very low.
Question 7.
How far, do you think, is it proper to make derisive comments when a good player is struggling to regain his form ? Does it help the player anyway ?
It is improper to make derisive comments on a player who is struggling to regain him from, but spectators expect good game. When they are disappointed resort to criticrse a player. Such they comments seldom help the player. He is only demoralised.
Question 8.
A couple of messages meant a lot’ What does Gavaskar mean by this ?
Gavaskar means to say that a couple of messages were sufficient to cheer him up. He felt relaxed and encouraged.
Question 9.
How do you feel when your friends or relatives offer their best wishes when you are getting ready for exams ? Does it help you any way ?
Yes, good wishes and words of cheer do help me to feel better.
Question 10.
What are your feelings on the eve of an important examination ? Do you feel any sort of anxiety even after a good preparation ? If so, why ?
An examination naturally causes anxiety. Inspite of good preparation, I do not feel that I am fully prepared to face it.
B. 2. Answer the following questions briefly :
Question 1.
Why was Gavaskar finding it easy to play ?
Gavaskar found it easy to play because he was feeling relaxed. Secondly, Delhi wicket is favourable to batting.
Question 2.
Give two instances when luck favoured Gavaskar during the match.
Gavaskar was lucky twice. Once when he was 16, he missed the shot. The ball brushed his hat. The umpire did not signal anything. Perhaps he was misled by the sound of the ball brushing Gavaskar’s cap. Gavaskar got some runs.
Again, he hit a ball off the middle. It went quite high. A tall fielder like i Roger Harper or Joel Gamer could have leapt and caught it. But the fielder was not so tall. Gavaskar got six runs.
Question 3.
What is ‘another hurdle’ Gavaskar talks about ?
No player would like to score a duck, that is zero. This means one is going to be a utter failure. It is a hurdle and Gavaskar crossed it when he had got a couple of runs after Marshall’s third ball.
Question 4.
“I don’t look at the scoreboard or the clock when I am batting.” What light does it throw on Gavaskar’s way of batting ?
It shows that Gavaskar wanted to play the game in a relaxed manner unmindful of his score. He was more relaxed like this than he was if he were aware that he was close to a century.
Question 5.
“Bloody-hell! It’s your twenty-ninth.” Who said this ? What does the ‘twenty-ninth’ refer to ? Why did it bring delight to the countrymen ?
This was said by Dilip Vengasarkar ‘Twenty-ninth’ refers to the 29th century scored by Gavaskar. It broght delight to the countrymen because they were eagerly waiting for it to happen.
Question 6.
How does applause help a performer ? Have you ever experienced it ?
Applause gives delight to the performer. He feels he has been rewarded for his performance. Once I experienced it when I delivered a speech in the school assembly.
Question 7.
Which one did Gavaskar consider to be his best test century and why?
Gavaskar considers his best test century that he scored in the first I test at Old Trafford in 1974. He considers it the best because batting conditions there were against batting, and it had come after three and a half years.
C. 1. Long Answer Questions :
Question 1.
‘Right’ Today you bounce and I am going to hook.’ What does it suggest about Gavaskar’s plan to tackle West Indian bowling ?
It shows that Gavaskar planned his strategy correctly, and it helped him to score quickly.
Question 2.
‘I do not think I have ever played so many shots to get a century. I Most of my centuries have a liberal sprinkling of ones and twos and take their time coming and this was definitely the quickest in terms of time as well as deliveries faced.’ Does the statement suggest any change in Gavaskar’s batting in his particular match ? If yes, what kind of change is suggested here ?
This shows that Gavaskar had been slow at making runs. He had hardly shot sixers and fours before. He got ones and twos. But in the Delhi Test he must have shot sixers and fours. That is why he made mns quickly by facing fewer deliveries.
Question 3.
Pick up sentences as the ones quoted in the earlier two questions and evaluate how far it is justified to say that Gavaskar was a good planner of the game.
The following sentences show that it was not Gavaskar’s planning that helped him but a couple of chances. When he was at 16 he could have been injured but he got some runs. He might have been caught out if the fielder was tall enough to leap and catch the ball.
(i) When I was 16, a bouncer came ………………….. and I missed my shot, but luckily ball brushed my hat ………………….. The umpire did not signal anything the umpire was misled by the sound of the ball brushing my cap ………………….. I got some runs.
(ii) The second alarm came when I hit the ball off the middle but it went – at a height where Roger Harper Joel Gamer could have leapt and caught the ball. Fortunately, the fielder was not as tall as those and I got six runs instead.
Question 4.
Notwithst anding that it was his quickest century, Gavaskar does not think it was his best century Why ?
He considers his best century that he scored at Old Trafford in 1974. The century he scored at Delhi came easy. But the one at old Trafford was difficult. Conditions there were against batting, and he had not scored a century for over three years. He doubted his ability to score. This century gave him a new lease of his career.
Question 5.
How much did the countrymen admire and love Gavaskar ? Give evidence from the lesson.
Countrymen admired Gavaskar. Some young girls asked him to score the fastest century of his career. He got a few messages wishing him success at the test match. In fact, since his return from West Indies, people were eager for him to score the 29th century. Where he went they offered him their good wishes. They had eagerly waited and prayed for it.
Question 6.
‘Crowds allover India are basically the same and are particularly adept at kicking a man when he is down.’ How far do you agree with Gavaskar’s observations ? Can you cite examples-from cricket or eisewhere-in favour of or against the observation ?
I do not agree that Indian corwds criticise a player when he is down. In fact, there is hardly any sportsman spirit anywhere in the world. Players play to win because there is much money involved. Audience do not appreciate the game. They seldom praise a good player of a team playing against their country. They want victory for their team.
When their team is not doing well, they are disppointed, and become restless. There are examples when audience broke into the field and smashed everything. Sometimes they even accuse the umpire of being partial. Gavaskar himself confesses that his countrymen loved and admired him. I think the man that criticised for his play also loved him and had great expectations.
Question 7.
Who among the modern cricketers, in your opinion, show the kind of concentration and application that Gavaskar used to show ?
I think Tendulkar shows the same concentration and application as Gavaskar used to show.
Question 8.
‘Offence is the best strategy of defence.’ How does Gavaskar’s century prove this ?
Marshall threw a bouncer which Gavaskar hooked. At first Marshall frowned and then smiled cunningly. He had planned his offence. But Gavaskar did not think of playing safe. He decided to hook every ball and send it flying to the boundary. In this way by offensive strategy he scored a century.
Question 9.
A good autobiography is honest. The author describes success and admits failures, accepts blame and claims credit. In what ways do you think Sunil Gavaskar is honest in writing about his experiences ? Use specific references from the lesson as examples.
Gavaskar has described his feeling honestly. He has confessed that he whs upset when a part of the crowed citicised him for his bad play. He went away to keep cool. He also tells us about his lack of confidence before the test began.
He honestly tells us how he was lucky when he was at 16 and when he was about to be caught out. He does not claim credit for those scores. But he also tells us how easy he found to score runs. We also learn that he did not look at clock or the scoreboard during the game. Some people may consider it his’ superstition but he says he does so to avoid tension. He is critical of the crowds in India but he also owes gratitude to them for their love and appreciation and good wishes that helped him to score the 29th century.
C. 2. Group Discussion :
Discuss the following in groups or pairs :
Question a.
Fortune favours the brave.
Hints : Many people believe in fate or luck. But luck comes to those who act. If a person is a coward and runs away from action, how can luck favour him. Many people avoid action because they are afraid of the consequences. Indeed action means risks and dangers. But those who dare, win. Fortune favours them. Those who run away lose and suffer. Ill luck dogs them.
Question b.
Modelling affects sportsperson’s performance.
Hints : These days players are highly paid. Business companies want successful and popular sportspersons to promote their sales. So they appear on products and on mass media. They are paid well for this. Allurement of money makes them to. modelling. They have to give sufficient time for the shooting of a commercial. Naturally they cannot pay full attention to game and their performance suffers.
C. 3. Composition :
Write a paragraph in about 100 words on each of the following :
Question a.
The sportperson you like most
I am found of playing chess and Vishwanathan Anand is the sportsperson I like most. He is the current world Champion and has done his country proud.
Anand was bom in 1969. He picked his early lessons in chess from his mother at the age of six. In 1984 he became the youngest Indian to win the International Master title at the age of fifteen. Next year he became the National Champion. He became India’s first Grandmaster in 1988.
Anand won the FIDE World Chess Championship in 2000 for the first time after defeating Alexei Shirov in the final match held at Tehran. He became Chess World Champion again by winning the FIDE World Championship Tournament held in Mexico City. He is one of four players in history to break the 2800 mark on the FIDE rating list.
He was awarded the Padma Bhushan in 2000.
Question b.
Performing in unfavourable condition is the test of a genius.
Everyone can perform under favourable conditions. And chose who do so seldom go down in history. We admire and remember only those who do something great in difficult and unfavourable conditions. Abraham Loncolon wanted to abolish slave trade from America, and set the Negroes free. The southern states were against him. There was the risk of the disintegration of the country.
But Lincoln was determined to do this noble work. He did it and the world acknowledges him as a champion of liberty and democracy Gandhiji tried to liberate the peasants from the tyranny of the British landlords in Champaran. Conditions were unfavourable. But he did wonders and liberated the peasants from the fear of the British oppression. The world looks upon him as a great genius.
Question c.
Where there is will there is a way:
Most of us find excuses when we do not have the will to do something. We can count a number of hurdles and difficulties that make accomplishment impossible. But poeple who have strong will achieve that looks impossible to others. Napoleon said that word impossible was found in the dictionary of fools. People with strong determination have climbed up Everest, reached the south pole, crossed the Atlantic on a raft. Columbus sailed to the unknown continent. People with will have achieved what they wanted to achieve. Nothing is difficult if we have the will If we have the will we will find ways, wide open to Welcome us.
D. Word-Study:
D – 1. Dictionary Use :
Ex – 1. Correct the spelling of the following words :
Ex – 2. Look up a dictionary and write two meanings of each of the following, words the one in which it is used in the lesson and the other which is more common :
look : (i) to turn eyes in a particular direction.
(ii) to watch a game.
fnction : (i) a special activity or purpose of a person.
(ii) a social event or ceremony.
plan : (i) something that one intend to do or achieve.
(ii) a detailed map of a building
Strident: (i) unpleasant sound.
(ii) aggressive and determined.
name : (i) a word or words that a particular person, animal, place or thing is known by.
(ii) a reputation that somebody has.
Surprise : (i) an event, piece of news that is unexpected or that happens suddenly.
(ii) to surprise somebody suddenly in a way that slightly shocks or frightens him.
Test: (i) test match.
(ii) an examination
Lease : (i) the chance to live or last longer.
(ii) a legal agreement that allows one to use building or some land for a period of time.
D. 2. Word-meaning :
Ex-1 Find from the lesson words the meaning of which have been given on the left hand side. The last part of each word is given on the right hand side:
- a big smile that sows your teeth : …………………. in
- skiful at doing something ………………….
- to someone in am angry way. ………………….
- the time a performer or player appears in public ………………….
- an event or achievement that marks an important stage in a process: …………………. stone
- an expression on your face by moving eye-brows : …………………. own
- to push someone or something with force …………………. ove
- the act of throwing a coin into the air in order to make a decision …………………. ss
- grin
- adept
- inside
- debut
- milestone
- frown
- shoved
- toss
D. 4. Phrases :
Ex-1 Read the lesson carefully and find out the sentences in which the following phrases have been used. Then use them in sentences of your own.
drop in, at times, look after, pick up at ease
The sentences in the lesson in which the phrases have been used :
Bijoya, dropped in to see her. (Para-2)
………………. a skipper gets a suite and so is able to look after his gues better. (Para-2)
………………. having informed Kapil that rather then pick up a fight with the crowd (Para-4)
………………. I was feeling relaxed and completely at ease. (Para-5)
………………. and at times chided me during my career. (Para-5)
drop in – Ramesh dropped in to see me.
at times – He used to threaten me at times.
look after – She is able to look after her children.
pick up – He must not try to pick up a fight with them.
at ease – She feels relax and completely at ease.
E. Grammar :
I had left the net. He had won the toss.
In the above examples, the sentences are in Past Perfect Tense.
Change the following sentences into Past Perfect Tense.
- I read a book.
- He cleans the floor.
- They have played for India.
- You will do the work.
- The boy is eating a mango.
- I had read a book.
- He had cleaned the floor.
- They had played for India.
- You would have done the work.
- The boy had eaten a mango.
F. Activity :
Ex – 1. Registers :
Words like run, pitch, cover are used in special sense in cricket. In other words, they are the registers of cricket Read the lesson carefully and And out the registers of cricket used in the lesson. Find out the meaning of each of these registers with the help of your game-teacher or reference books/dictionaries.
Run – score
Pitch – an area of ground specially prepared and marked for playing a game.
Cover – to spread the ground.