Bihar Board Class 11 English Letter and Application Writing

Bihar Board Class 11th English Book Solutions Letter and Application Writing

Bihar Board Class 11 English Letter and Application Writing

Kinds of Letters: There are four kinds of letters
1. Private letters-They are written to relatives and friends.
2. Business letters-They are written to merchants or films in connection with the business.
3. Official letters-They are written by one official to another in an official capacity.
4. Applications-They is written for various purposes, e.g., for the job, for grant of leave, etc.

Question 1.
You are Hemant/Himakshi. Write a letter to the editor of ‘National Herald’, New Delhi expressing your anguish over the problems faced by people due to illicit liquor and the deadly chemicals like Anthrax.

B/24, Prithvi Raj Road,
New Delhi
March 3,20.

The Editor
National Herald, New Delhi

I Subject: Problems caused by illicit liquor
I take this opportunity to express my deep concern and anguish over the problems caused by illicit liquor and deadly weapons like Anthrax. The news of the death of 70 people in Andhra by consuming Tawdy’ and 1 pouch liquor was really disturbing. It is really callous that certain people, in order to make a few fast bucks can play with the lives of other people. It was learnt that the pouch liquor consumed by the people in Andhra was prepared with a methylated spirit-a poisonous substance. Surely, the law dealing with such crimes is inadequate and more teeth should be provided to deal with .such crimes. The punishment should be exemplary so as to have a deterrent effect Similarly, the scare caused among public regarding chemical weapons like Anthrax is of alarming nature. The vulnerable people are being exposed to the threat of such deadly weapons by the extremists. The Govt. Should crackdown on the source of such chemicals that can have widespread damage in the public.

Yours faithfully

Bihar Board Class 11 English Letters and Applications

Question 2.
Write a letter to the Editor of the magazine ‘Expressions’, New Delhi on the deterioration in the standard of living in your city. Give suggestions for improvement Sign yourself as PMR.

F104/2, Mira Road, New Delhi
February 16,20
The Editor Expressions

Subject: Regarding deterioration in the standard of living


Through the columns of your esteemed magazine, I want to express my concerns over the deterioration in living standard in Sonipat. The city is crying for civic amenities like an efficient sewage system which seems to crumble particularly during the rainy season. The street lighting is pathetic. Potholes have appeared in all the major roads and need immediate attention.

Then ATM facilities are required in the banks. To start with, at least three ATM centers be opened at Subhash Chowk, Hindu College, and Sec-14 Community center. Online Railway Reservation Facilities need to be provided here. Bill collection facilities for electricity and telephone bills should be given in leading banks as well. It will ease the mad-rush at the collection points.

Then Super Bazars are the primary needs today. To provide perfect competition, leading stores should be encouraged to open their outlet in their chain of superstores. All these things will go a long way in improving the living standard in our city and give a face-lift to it also.

Yours truly

Question 3.
Write a letter to the editor of the Times of India, complaining about the noise pollution in your locality drawing the attention of the Government to take steps to check the same Sign as Gaurav/Gauri, Janta Nagar, Ahmedabad.

628/26, Janata Nagar
February 19,20

The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject: Regarding noise pollution
I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the 1 noise pollution in our locality through the columns of your esteemed daily. Noise pollution seems to have raining decibels in our locality. Big loudspeakers are blaring noise throughout the day. It is not that the noise decibels rise only during the day. Holy noise from the loudspeakers atop the religious places starts early in the morning. Children getting up early to: concentrate on studies find it very frustrating to find so much of distracting I music drumming into their ears. Then the ‘Jaagrans’ held through out the night are another source of noise pollution. More so, incessant use of pressure horns even in silence zones like hospitals is very disturbing for old land sick persons. People seem to have thrown all the norms to winds and are openly flouting the rules. The Govt, needs to curb such things by taking punitive. I hope you will give proper space to these ideas in your daily.

Yours faithfully

Bihar Board Class 11 English Letters and Applications

Question 4.
Write a letter to the Editor of the ‘Indian Express’, New Delhi complaining about the frequent breakdown in the supply of electricity in your locality. (Tilak Avenue). Sign yourself as PMR.
G-37 Tilak Avenue
March 10,20………..
The Editor

Indian Express, New Delhi

Subject: Regarding frequent break down of electricity supply


I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the frequent breakdown of electricity supply in our locality.

The electric supply^ias been far from satisfactory for for quite some weeks now. The blame Ts put on the transformers which are old ones and far too small in their capacity. It results into frequent tripping and the fuses burning out. The people manning the complaint centres are rude and indifferent to the problems faced by people. It takes hours to get even minor faults attended to.

Then, there is too frequent and unannounced load shedding in our area. Ours is not a power theft prone area and should be not on The priority when the load shedding is required. But surprisingly, our locality has to bear the brunt all the time.

The add to the woes of people, the voltage situation is also very gloomy. It causes heavy loss to the electrical gadgets and some of the are rendered non-working due to poor voltage. Ban on the use of air-conditioners during peak hours should be strictly enforced to improve the power situation.

Yours truly

Question 5.
You are Amrit/Amritha of Bangalore. You are disturbed at the nonavailability of essential commodities in the Fair Price Shops of your area. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Hindu’ drawing the attention of the authorities to the irregularities in the Fair Price Shops. (Word limit 150 words)
B-49, Gulab Bagh
March 23,20 ……….
The Editor
The Hindu, New Delhi

Subject: Regarding non-availability of essential items in Fair Price Shops


I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the nonavailability of essential commodities in the Fair Price Shops in Bangalore.

Life seems to be getting harder and harder for the common man. It is the prime duty of the govt, to ensure that essential commodities like rice, sugar, candles, etc. are available in the Fair Price Shops. But they seem to be performing the vanishing act the moment they appear. Price Shops. But they seem to be performing the vanishing act the moment they appear. ‘Stocks are over’, this is the sign that always welcomes wrong with the distribution system. May be the hoarders and black-marketeers are hand in glove with high-ups in the Govt.

Buying these commodities from the open market makes holes in the pocket of the budget people. It would be heaving sigh of relief for the already burdened common man if the govt, ensured enough supply of essential commodities.

Yours truly

Bihar Board Class 11 English Letters and Applications

Question 6.
In a letter to your father, Inform him of your success at the Test Examination and your preparation for the Final Examination.

Govinda Mitra Raod,
5th December, 20………….

My dear Father,

Here is a happy pieces of news for you. You will be glad to know that I secured the first position in my class at the Test Examination.

My Final Examination will begin from the 9th March 2009.1 have got a lot of time for my preparation for the Final Examination. I want to use my time properly. I have already read my textbooks thoroughly. Now I am preparing some model questions in each subject. I have made a time-table for my studies. I am preparing each subject well. I devote enough time to writing-work. I hope that I shall finish my preparation by the end of January. Then I will revise my textbooks.

My teachers expect me to secure a good position at the Final Examination. I hope that I shall come up to their expectations.

Please convey my best regards to Mother.

Yours affectionately,

Address- Shri Binod Kumar Sharma,
Statin Road,

Question 7.
Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his success in examination.

Ashok Road,
June 15, 200…

My dear Rajiv,

I have just heard of your brilliant success in the Senior Secondary School Examination. Accept my heartiest congratulations on your success.

You have achieved a rare distinction. It is not an essay job to secure the first position. I was sure you must achieve this distinction. Your regular and patient labour has been crowned with success. You have brought glory not only to yourself but to all your friends. Your grand success gives me inspiration. I hope your will achieve similar distinction in future.

When will you arrange a dinner to celebrate your brilliant success ? Don’t forget to invite me to the dinner.

With best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Bihar Board Class 11 English Letters and Applications

Question 8.
Your friend is ill. Write a letter of cheers to him.

January 16, 20…

My dear Suresh,

I am sorry to hear of your illness. Today I got a letter from Umesh who has written about your illness.

He says that you are very much nervous. You might be feeling lonely in your hostel. I think your fellow-boarders must be looking after you. It would be better if you are removed to a hospital.

Don’t lose heart. Cheer up. Your disease is not serious. You will recover in a few days. Give up your sadness. You should take complete rest. I hope to hear about your recovery soon.

With best wishes from,

Yours sincere friend,

Question 9.
K.A. University, K. a. The city offers a correspondence course leading to a Diploma in Waste Water Management after plus two. You are Deepak/ Deepti Sinha. Write to the Director, Correspondence course, K. A. University for the brochure and prospectus and enquiring about the job opportunities after completing this course.

38, Labour Colony, Patna
March 25,20……
The Director
Correspondence Course
Pants University,
Patna City

Subject: Information regarding Diploma in Waste Water Management

This has reference to your advertisement in The Hindustan Times regarding the starting of a Diploma in Waste Management in 2008-09 through correspondence. I have appeared for 10 + 2 (Science Stream) exam, in March this year. I would like to blow that are the job opportunities after completing this course. Please elaborate on all the openings through this course.

I am sending a Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- in your favour for sending me the broucher covering other details regarding the course.

Yours Faithfully,
Denesh Singh

Bihar Board Class 11 English Letters and Applications

Question 10.
Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) has decided to hire one hun¬dred buses for different routes in the city on a per km basis. Write a letter to the Transport Commissioner, DTC, offering ff ve buses to be hired by them on their terms and conditions.

Traffic Manager Krishna Bus Service, Patna
October 16,20……..
The Transport Commissioner Delhi
Transport Corporation

Subject: Regarding Hiring of Private Buses


This has reference to your advertisement in The Hindustan Times dated October 10,20………….. inviting offers for hiring private buses from the transporters.

Ours is a Premier Transport Company having its fleet of more than 150 buses playing on different routes in Bihar, Jharkhand and Nepal Border U.P. and M.P. We have been in this business for the last 50 years. As such, we have got the necessary experience and expertise to handle the volume of passengers.

We have read the terms and conditions laid down by the corporation and promise to abide by them. We offer for hire on km basis five buses from our fleet Our buses are new, comfortable and fitted with CNG kits in keeping with the pollution norms in Delhi. We assure you to provide ultra-modem buses and very polite and expert crew members. Our disciplined drivers and polite conductors will give no room for complaint The inspection of the buses can be done at your convenience with prior intimation. Other formalities of depositing surety money and giving a three-year bond would be completed soon.

Yours faithfully
A.K Deo
traffic Manager

Question 11.
You are Ravi/Rajani living at 5 Ganesb Bagh, Gaya 3. There is a frequent power cut and voltage fluctuation in your area causing great ‘ inconvenience and damaging electrical appliance. Write a letter to the Assistant Engineer of the Electricity Board of your area explaining the difficulties you face, seeking quick action.

5. Ganesh Bagh.
Gaya 3
Electric Bihar State Electricity Bo&rd, Gaya

Subject: Complaint Regarding Frequent Power Cuts


I, on behalf of the residents of Ganesh Bagh, wish to draw your attention towards frequent power cuts and voltage fluctuations in our area. These fluctuations not only anise great inconvenience but also damage electrical appliances. The transformers installed are of a small capacity resulting in low voltage and fluctuations. Many costly TV sets and refrigerators have been damaged here due to high voltage. Fan motors are burnt out. Overload on transformers causes frequent trippings melting of fuses. It is requested that transformers of bigger capacity be installed to regularise power supply in our area. I hope you will take a personal interest in the matter and get the faulty transformers replaced at the earliest –

Yours faithfully

Bihar Board Class 11 English Letters and Applications

Question 12.
You are John/Urmila, Staff Secretary Grant Public School, Patna The State Transport bus which is playing in your route at 8 a. m. has become irregular, putting a large number of students and office-goers in great difficulty. Write a letter to the Bus Depot Incharge complaining about it and requesting him to send the has regularly.

Doon Public School
The Bus Depot Incharge
State Transport Bus Service

Subject: Regarding Bus Service


I wish to draw your land attention towards the irregular bus service on Rute No. 28 from Patna City to Doon Public School. A large number of students and teachers take the morning bus at 8 a. m.- on this route to reach their destination. But for quite some time now, this bus service has become very irregular patting to inconveniences a lot of daily commuters on this route. Due to disturbed timings of the bus, students reach late in their schools and office goers also are hard-pressed. The earlier bus service is at 7.15 a. m. which is too early for the students. If the bus timings are put back on the right track, lots of commuters can be saved from avoidable ordeal every morning. I hope you would ensure its timely departure from its scheduled station and oblige us.

Thanking you in anticipation

Yours faithfully

Question 13.
Write a letter to the Police Commissioner (Traffic) about the inadequate parking facilities in the commercial street area of Patna, which is causing a lot of inconvenience to the people. You may also offer your suggestions to solve it. You are Rakesh/Renu No. 12, Jayanagar, Patna.

The Commissioner of Police (Traffic)
Civil Lines
July 16, 2013……

Subject: Complaint regarding inadequate parking facilities in commercial street.


I wish to draw your kind attention to inadequate parking facilities in Commercial Street, Patna.

It is one of the busiest areas of the city and is frequented by thousands every day. People have to park their vehicles at whatever vacant space they find. It not only causes inconvenience to the public in general but has resulted in vehicles’ theft as well. This area has become a haven for auto lifters. Encroachments on public land are also on the rise. Pheri-wallas and street hawkers have grabbed all the land meant for pedestrians.

It is requested that parking lots be provided and be let out to private contractors on a yearly basis. Encroachers should be dealt with firmly and the public land is freed from their possession.

It would be easing congestion in the busiest commercial area of the city.

Yours faithfully

R/o 12, Jayanagar

Bihar Board Class 11 English Letters and Applications

Question 14.
Write a letter to the General Manager, BSNL., complaining about the unsatisfactory working our your Telephone.

The General Manager
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.
10th August 20……….

Subject: Complaint regarding telephone


I take this opportunity to bring to your kind notice the unsatisfactory working of my telephone (Tel. No. 2454011). Several complaints made earlier have yielded no result. So, it was imperative for me to bring it to your notice.

My telephone has remained dead for the last two weeks. The fault is said to be in the underground cable, which has failed to be rectified. At times, there is huge sound disturbance and the telephone is rendered unserviceable.

It is requested that the telephone may be restored without any further delay. I have already faced a lot of difficulty due to my non-functional tele¬phone. I hope my telephone is restored immediately failing which I will be left with no choice but to move the Consumer Court for deficiency of service.

Yours faithfully,
Kaushik Kataria.

B-3/72, G. M. Road

Bihar Board Class 11 English Letters and Applications

Question 15.
You are Akshaya/Kajol of 123, Parade Ground Road, Secunderabad. You are interested in doing a short-term course in computer programming during summer vacation. Write a letter to the Director, Computer World, Powai, Mumbai, enquiring about the duration of such a course and the terms and conditions for admission.

123, Parade Ground Road :
Andhra Pradesh
May 28,20……..

The Director
Computer World

Subject: Information regarding short-term computer programming course

I have just passed my 10 + 2 exam, and desirous of joining short-term computer programming course at your institute. Your premier institute is the clear-cut market leader in computer education. So, I have decided to pursue this crash course. I would feel obliged in you send me the following information at the earliest

(i) Exact duration of the course.
(ii) Total fees payable for the course including tuition fees and hostel charges.
(iii) Last but not the least, I would like to know if each student is provided individual computers at your institute. I won’t like to share my computer with any other student at all.

Thanking your

Yours faithfully

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