Bihar Board Class 9th English Book Solutions Poetry Poem 2 On His Blindness Text Book Questions and Answers.
Panorama English Book Class 9 Solutions Poem 2 On His Blindness
Bihar Board Class 9 English On His Blindness Text Book Questions and Answers
A. Work in small groups and discuss these questions:
Question 1.
How is a visually challenged person socially recognised?
Man is known by his deed, not by physical fitness. Smart personality does not matter. Man is the only creature in the entire universe blessed with a body and mind. It is this, which makes him the crown of creation. While a healthy body is necessary, but in the absence of good work he, is no longer a human being, but a more akin to an animal. Thus, in my opinion, a man is known by his deeds. This is but echoed by Shakespeare when he said. “For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds, lilies that faster smell far worse than weeds.”
Question 2.
Discuss the modes and manners of man who is unable to see the world?
Really blindness is a curse. A man is deeply affected by the loss of his eyesight. The loss of eyesight, however, rendered a death-blow to all his aspirations and he began to feel quite – lonely and helpless. He depends upon other person but like Milton, some take their life a challenge and prove themselves successful.
Question 3.
Point out the feelings and emotions of a man who has lost his/her eye-sight.
A man who has lost his eye-sight has such feelings and emotion.
- He is deeply affected by the loss of his eye-sight.
- The loss of eyesight, however, rendered a death blow to all his aspirations and he began to feel quite lonely and helpless.
B. Answer the following questions briefly:
Question 1.
What is meant by ‘my light is spent’?
It means The slight of Milton’s eyes is gone forever.
Question 2.
Why is the word ‘dark and wide’ to the poet?
The poet became totally blind, therefore, the world with all its beauties and charms became completely dark to him.
Question 3.
Who is the ‘Maker’ in this Sonnet?
God is the ‘Maker’ in this Sonnet?
Question 4.
Is God a hard taskmaster?
No, God is a kind-hearted master who needs nothing from man.
Question 5.
Does God require his appreciation?
No, God has no dearth of agents to do His work. He does not require a man’s appreciation in any way.
Question 6.
Is Milton afraid of the Almighty?
Yes, because he feels that God had given him the poetic talent to use it in the services of his Maker.
Question 7.
Discuss the meaning of the closing line, “They also serve who only stand and wait.”
There are some angles who do not perform any active duty. They merely stand before God humbly and submissively. They are also the faithful servant’s God.
C.1. Long Answer Type Questions:
Question 1.
Discuss the poet’s feelings and emotions.
Milton feels that he possesses the gift of writing poetry. Since he is blind, he cannot but it is to any use despite the fact that he is keen to do so. In fact, it is no use for him, at the moment. He laments that loss of eyesight and his inability to exploit the gift of poetry he has been endowed by Him.
Question 2.
Why is the poet sad? What happened to him?
The poet is sad because he has lost his eyesight in his middle age. And with this, he has lost his ability to write poetry. He is, therefore, sad about how to serve God.
Question 3.
Why does the poet fear God in this poem?
He feared that after, his death on the Day of Judgment, God would chide him for having wasted his talent.
Question 4.
Which do you think is superior-insight or eye-sight?
Eye-sight is no doubt very superior. Life without eye-sight is nothing. Nothing can be imagined unsightly without having seen by our eyes. How can we imagine colours, the rising sun the purple-headed mountain etc? The scientific invention is not possible without eyesight. So in my opinion eye-sight is superior to insight.
Question 5.
How does the poet get consolation?
The poet questioned himself whether God would be so unjust as to ask him fo work after having deprived him of his eye-sight. He got the reply from his own experience, and thus he got the consolation.
Question 6.
Who answered his Question?
It was a poet’s insight power who answered his Question.
Question 7.
Is God absolutely merciful? Is he a king of kings?
The poet felt very much relieved to learn this he must bear ‘His mild Yoke’. He realised that God is really kind, just and merciful. He further learned that God is the king of kings. He has thousands of angles and other fast-moving agents as His servants. They are constantly carrying out His orders all over the universe. So, He is a king of kings.
Question 8.
Will God forgive the poet?
Yes, because he would have to surrender completely to the will of God. Thus he would be forgiven by Him.
Question 9.
Do you think that God needs only humble Submission? Give arguments.
We are living in the kingdom of God. Who is the king of all kings? God has no dearth of agents to carry on His orders. God does not require any account of any gift bestowed by Him on man. What He wants from a man is an ungrudging resignation to His will and man unflinching faith in Him. God considers such people to have discharged their duties even though they did nothing and kept themselves ready to obey’God’s order whatever it might be, and, thus even those who only stand and wait ‘are regarded as good workers by God. So their humble submis¬sion served God.
Question 10.
What lesson do you learn from the poem?
The lesson ‘On His Blindness’ the poet teaches us that we must bear with our misfortunes and sorrows without complaining about them or losing faith in God and His justice. We must understand that whatever condition we are in. it is according to God’s will.
C.2. Group Discussion
Discuss the following in groups or pairs.
Question 1.
The value of eyes in life.
Eyes are vital parts of our body. It is eyes which are organs of sight. We see with our eyes. The beauty of nature, colours of butterflies and flowers, sky and every, the thing can be seen only and only by our eyes Colours cannot be known by touching them. We can enjoy seeing sights. We can fly aeroplanes if we have eyesight. In nutshell, we should know if we have eyes the world is ours.
Question 2.
Loss of vision leads to suffering and problems in life.
Eyes are organs of our body which give us the vision to know anything or the world without them we have to suffer a lot. We can’t go in a hurry to anywhere. We can’t move freely on the busy road. A blind man has danger at every step. Life becomes dull. A blind man feels utterly dejected. He feels that life would be totally meaningless. There are suffering and problems all around.
Comprehension Based Questions with Answers
1. When I consider how my light is spent
Ere half my days, in this dark world and wide,
And that one talent, which is death to hide,
Lodged with me useless, though my soul more bent
To Serve there with my Maker, and present
My true account, lest He, returning, chide;
- Name the poem and the poet.
- What is it that the poet consider?
- What is lodged with the poet?
- What is the talent of the poet?
- What makes the poet so keen and why?
- The name of the poem is On His Blindness and its poet is John Milton.
- Milton feels that he has become blind before he has lived half the span of his life. He also feels that having been denied eye-sight he cannot write poetry.
- The talent for writing the poetry is lodged with the poet. It has become useless because the poet has become blind. Now he cannot write poetry.
- Milton refers here to his eminent ability in the art of writing poetry.
- The first thing is that his poetic gift is going waste. The second thing is that he is very anxious to serve God with his poetry. The third thing is that he is afraid that if he fails to do all these, he might earn God’s anger.
2. ‘Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?’
I fondly ask: but Patience, to prevent
That murmur, soon replies, God doth not
Either man’s work, or His own gifts, who best
Bear His mild yoke, they serve Him best His state
Is kingly: thousands at His bidding speed.
And post o’er land and Ocean without rest;
They also serve who only stand and wait.”
- What is the force of fondly’?
- What is his ‘murmur’? Who prevents this murmur?
- What is God’s Yoke? Why does Milton call it ‘mild’?
- In what does, according to Milton, the best services of God lie?
- What lesson does the Sonnet teach us?
- Milton asks himself if God wanted him to do his labour of writing poetry even he had become blind.
- His murmur is his grumbling. He murmurs that God will punish him for not making use of his poetic talent. Patience prevents this murmur.
- Milton has employed the word here to point out the duty which God has assigned us all, or the burden or responsibilities with which we begin our earthly life.
- The best service of God lies in developing a spirit of resignation to his will in ourselves and in suffering the hardships and difficulties of life.
- We must bear with our misfortunes and sorrows without complaining about them or losing faith in God and His justice.