Bihar Board Class 12th English Book Solutions 50 Marks Poetry Poem 1 The Daffodils Text Book Questions and Answers.
BSEB Bihar Board 12th English Book 50 Marks Solutions Poem 1 The Daffodils
Bihar Board Class 12 English The Daffodils Text Book Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Who wrote “The Daffodils” ?
William Wordworth wrote “The Daffodils”.
Question 2.
When was be bom ?
William Wordsworth was bom in 1770.
Question 3.
When did he die?
William Wordsworth died in 1850.
Question 4.
Who was William Wordsworth ?
William Wordsworth was the greatest romantic poet of his time.
Question 5.
What did he do one day ?
William Wordsworth wondered lonely as a cloud one day.
Question 6.
What did he see at a glance.
William Wordsworth saw thousands of golden daffodils at a glance.
Question 7.
In which condition did he see the daffodils beside the lake ?
William Wordsworth saw the daffodils dancing and tossing in the gentle breeze beside the lake.
Question 8.
What does the poet feel to see the daffodils ?
The poet feels very happy and he is overjoyed to see the daffodils in the garden.
Question 9.
Why does the poet enjoy the beauty of the golden daffodils ?
The poet enjoys the real pleasures of nature to see the daffodils twinkling like the starts on the milky way.
Question 10.
What did the poet see and where ?
The poet saw a large number of golden daffodils growing by the side of a lake beneath the trees. They presented a very lovely sight and good look like the stars which shine and twinkle in the sky.
Question 11.
William Wordsworth’s poetry is emotion recollected in tranquility. Explain with reference to his poem “The Daffodils”.
One day William Wordsworth saw countless golden daffodils by the side of a lake beneath trees. They were tossing and dancing in the gentle breeze. The whole spectacle presented a picture of beauty and joy and filled the poet’s heart with delight.
Question 12.
What was the impression of the poet on seeing the daffodils?
The daffodils had a very good impression on the mind of the poet. He enjoyed the golden daffodils like the coutnless stars shining in the milky way of the sky at night. Actually tfje daffodils were spread over a very wide area on the bank of the lake. They presented a very good look and beautiful sight.
Question 13.
Describe the ways in which Words worth emphasises the quantity of daffodils he sees.
The number of countless daffodils expressed by the words as a coward a host, continuous as the stars, they stretched in never ending line the thousand saw at a glance.
Question 14.
Write a few work of William Wordsworth.
The chief works of William Wordsworth are (i) Descriptive sketches, (ii) Lyrical Ballads Michael, The Prelude, The Exursion etc.
Question 15.
Show that you have read and understaood the poem “The Daffodils”,
Or, Show acquaintance with the poem “The Daffodils”.
Or, Critically appriciate the poem “The Daffodils.”
“The Daffodil’s” is a representative poem of Wordsworth. His love of nature and his great joy in the company of nature have been effectively expressed in the poem. The poem expresses his uncommon power of observation. It shows his unusual delight in the common place things. Once he saw the golden daffodils. They grew beside the lake, beneath the trees. They danced with joy and surpassed the waves in glee. The poet stayed at them for along time. He did not know the effect of the flowers on his mind there.
Later on, when he was alone and in vacant or, thoughtful mood the memory of the lowers became alive to him. The flowers flashed upon his mind’s eye and made him happy. The recollected scene made him as joyous as he had felt when he had actually seen it.
The poem is highly romantic in expression. The words and phrases are highly simple but deeply suggestive. The adundance of the flowers has been suggested by many phrases. The poet compares ordinary things with lofty once. By doing so, he imparts a serene tone to his poem. The poet’s aimless wandering in wonderfully expressed by appropriate phrases and images. The style of expression is lucid but dignified. There is depth and sincerity in ideas. The opening lines move in a slow and quiet manner. In the middle, the movement quickness. But the end is as calm as the poet in his calm repose. The similes are apt and highly meaningful.
The images are profoundly suggestive. The poet is the master of his idioms. Hence he is successful in expressions his emotional apprehension of experience. The poem may be compared with Robert Herrick’s poem entitled “To Daffodils”. Herrick is sad the transient of the fair daffodils. He weeps to see them haste away so soon. But words worth is not Herrick. He is a deedly optimistic poet, the loveliness of the flowers fills him with divine joy. Hence he dances with dassing flowers.
The Daffodils Word Meanings
Wandered = भटकना, floats = तैरना, crowd = भीड़, beneath= नीचे, continuous = लगातार, twinklle = टिमटिमाना, milky way = आकाश गंगा, bay = खाड़ी, ataglance = एक झलक में, sprightly = जीवंत, wave = तरंग, sparkling = चमकना, pensive = विचारपूर्ण ।
The Daffodils Paraphrase
I wandered ……….. the breeze.
Once the poet was wandereing alone by the side of a lake. He was walking aimlessly like a patch of cloud in the high sky, Over valleys and hills. Suddenly, he saw a large number of golden daffodils. They were dancing in the gentle-wind.
Continuous ……….. dance.
The daffodils shone and twinkled like the stars in the milky way. They stretched in an endless line by the side of the like. The poet saw a large number of them, dancing happily.
The waves ……….. brought.
The waves too danced in the lake beside the flowers. But the daffodils surpassed the waves in dancing. The poet could not but be say in the happy company of the flowers. He stand at them for long but did realise the permanent effect the scene had produced on his mind.
For oft ……….. daffodiIs.
Sometimes the poet remembered the daffodils in his thoughtless or thoughtful mood, when he was alone, lying on his sofa. The flowers upon his mind’s eye and made him very happy. He danced with the golden daffodils.
The Daffodils About the Poet
William Wordsworth (1770-1850) was bom at Cockermouth in Cumerland on April 1770. His parents died in his boyhood. He spent his boyhood in the Lake district. He studied at St. John’s College, Cambridge. He visited the Continent. He liked the ideas of the French revolution. But his views changed later on. His sister, Dorothy, influenced him greatly. He was also influenced by S. T. Coleridge, his friend who was a contemporary poet of the Supernatural. Wordsworth was the leader of the Romantic Revival. He wrote simple, delightful and charming poems.
He wrote Lucky poem’s in Germany. His best poems were written between 1796 and 1814. He is best known for his love of Nature. He is best known for his lyrics and smaller poems. He choose common things for his subject of poetry. He wrote in the language of everyday life. A rainbow in the sky thrilled him with joy. Dancing daffodils made him and with happiness. He was a high priest of Nature. Whatever he wrote has a philosophical tinge.
The Daffodils Introduction
The present poem was irriffenin 1802. It is based on natural observation words worth and Dorothy were once walking. They saw some daffodils in Gowbarrow park beside the lake of ill swater. The daffodils were lorely to look at they danced back and forth in the breeze Dorothy wrote about the flower in her diary. Words worth made a poem of them.
The Daffodils Summary in Hindi
प्रस्तुत कविता ‘The Daffodils” दर्शाती है कि प्रकृति किस प्रकार खुशियों का स्रोत या आधार है । कविता पूर्ण रूप से प्रकृति के साथ मानव के मिलन और संबंधों को प्रकट करती है । कवि जब उदास था तब प्रकृति की गोद में वह पारलौकिक आनन्द पाता था।
वह कहता है एक दिन मैं अकेला और बिना उद्देश्य का आवारा बादलों की तरह पहाड़ियों पर घूम रहा था । अचानक मैंने झील के किनारे और वृक्षों के नीचे उगे हुए ‘डेफोडिल्स’ के ढेर सारे पौधों को देखा । ये पौधे दूर-दूर तक फैले हुए थे । हवाओं में वे पौधे इस तरह से हिल-डुल रहे थे मानो ये लोग खुशी से झूम रहे हैं और नृत्य कर रहे हैं।
डेफोडिल्स के ये पौधे इतनी दूर तक फैले हैं और इतने घने हैं कि इन्हें एक नजर में देखना कठिन है । इनके फूलों का हिलना-डुलना ऐसा लगता है मानों अनगिनत तारे आकाश गंगा में टिमटिमा रहे हों । ये पौधे ऐसे जान पड़ते हैं कि खुशी से उछल-कूद कर रहे हैं और इनमें अपार उत्साह और उमंग भरा हुआ है।
यद्यपि इन पौधों से थोड़ी ही दूर पर लहरें और तरंगें नाच रही हैं लेकिन डेफोडिल्स जिस उमंग में नाच रहे हैं उसकी तुलना लहरों से नहीं की जा सकती है । कवि जो कि कुछ देर पहले उदास था अब उनकी खुशियाँ देखकर स्वयं आनन्द विभोर हो गया ।
अब अक्सर जब मैं चिन्ता या विचारों में खाया रहता हूँ या बीमारी से अथवा समस्याओं में उलझ कर विस्तर पर लेटा रहता हूँ, तब मेरी चेतना (inward eye) में उन ढेर सारे डेफोडिल्स का चित्र उभर जाता है और मैं एकाका प्रसन्न हो जाता हूँ, मेरा दिल भी डेफोडिल्स की तरह झूमने लगता है । और इस तरह डेफोडिल्स की अनुभूति सदैव मेरी प्रसन्नता का कारण बनी रहती है।
The Daffodils Summary in English
Once the poet was wandering aimlessly alone. He was like a patch of cloud which sails in the sky over valleys and nills suddenly he saw a large number of daffodils under the trees by the side of the lake they were golden. They were countless. They danced the gently wind. The shone like stars in the night. The waves too danced in the lake. But the daffodils out did in sheer Joy.
The poet was extremely happy in their joyful company. He started at them thoughtlessly. He hardly realised than that the scene was getting permanently imprinted on his sensitive mind later on, whenever the poet was alone and in thoughtufl moodful. The flowers flashed on his mind’s eye. That is to say his joy was the product of his solitude the recollected scene gave him the same pleasure as he had enjoyed to see the actual scene.