Bihar Board Class 12th English Book Solutions Notice Writing
Bihar Board Class 12 English Notice Writing
1. Your school is organising a tour to Mumbai and Goa during the winter vacation. Write a notice giving detailed information to the students. You are Madhav/Madhavi, School Pupil Leader, Ram Mohan Roy Seminary.
Feb., 20
Ram Mohan Roy Seminary
Notice Board
Tour to Mumbai and Goa
Our school is organising a tour to Mumbai and Goa during the coming winter vacation. It will be a 10-day tour in which only students of the Senior Secondary classes are allowed to Join. The expenses for traveling, boarding and lodging shall be around Rs. 3000/-(three thousand only) per head. Those who want to join this tour should give their names to the undersigned by the length of this month. A non-objection note by the parents is a must.
Pupil Leader
2. You lost your wallet containing your valuable documents (passport, your certificates and a bunch of keys) while traveling by Puri Express from Patna to Puri. Write a notice for publishing in ‘The Times of India’ (Patna) under ‘Lost and Found’ column. You are Naresh of station Road, Patna.
Lost and Found
Lost my wallet of black colour containing some valuable documents, including my Board’s certificates of All India Senior Secondary Examination, passport and a bunch of keys on 25th June, 200 while traveling by Puri Express from Patna to Puri. The finder will be suitably rewarded.
Contact: Naresh,
Station Road,
3. You are Pushkar, Darbhanga, As the Secretary of the Social Service league of your school, you have organized a cultural benefit show in aid of mentally handicapped children of your town Darbhanga. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice-board, giving necessary information about the program.
Social Service League
St. Secondary School, Darbhanga
You will be glad to know that the Social Service League of Sr. Secondary School is organizing a Cultural Benefit Show in aid of mentally handicapped
children of Darbhanga on 20th April 20 Entry is by tickets. The League will also distribute Donor Cards of Rs. 1000 and Rs. 500 to some distinguished industrialists and traders willing to patronise the benefit show. For tickets and Donor cards contact the undersigned on the working days from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The proceeds of the show will be donated to the Secretary, Society For Mentally Handicapped Children, Darbhanga.
Magic Show: 6 p.m.
Folk Dances: 6.30 p.m. –
Dance Drama (Chandalika of Tagore): 7 p.m.
Puppet Show: 7.45 p.m.
Venue-Football Ground, Sr. Secondary School, Darbhanga
10th April 2020
4. You are the Secretary of ABC Colony Welfare Association, Patna. Write a notice to be circulated to all the residents of the colony informing them that there will be no water supply in your colony on 24th and 25th of June, 20 due to maintenance work.
Welfare Association
ABC Colony, Patna
All the residents of ABC Colony, Patna are informed that there will be no water supply in the colony on 24th and 25th June 2009. Maintenance work has necessitated this step. The residents are advised to make necessary arrangements in advance.
Inconvenience is regretted.
S.N. Rao
Secretary 20th June, 20
5. You are the Principal, Senior Secondary School, Patna. Your school is introducing Commerce Section for XI and XII for the first time from July 2009. Draft a proper ‘Admission Notice’ for publication in a newspaper.
Admission Notice
Senior Secondary School, Patna
The school has decided to introduce Commerce Classes for XI and XII from July 15, 2020, There are only 100 seats for each class. Only students getting 60% or more marks in XI and XII need apply. The school will hold an Entrance Test on 5th July 2007 a 9 a.m. at the campus, Prospectus (Rs. 30/-) can be had from the school office on the working days.
Sr. Secondary School
6. Your school has just completed 25 years of its meritorious service to society. The Students’ Council of your school has decided to celebrate its Silver Jubilee. As President of the Council, write a notice in not more than 50 words for the students of your school, informing them about the Councils decision and seeking their co-operation for the success of the proposed Silver Jubilee Celebrations.
17 March 2020
Silver Jubilee Celebrations
It gives me great pleasure to inform all the students that our school has just completed 25 years of its meritorious service to society. On this happy. The occasion, the Students; Council has decided to celebrate the school’s Silver Jubilee with great pomp and circumstance. The kind co-operation of all of you is sought to make the celebrations a success. Please contact the undersigned with your suggestions.
Abhay Singh
D.A.V. College, Siwan
7. The Student’s Council of your school has organised an excursion to Ajanta and Elora for the students of class XII during Winter Breaks. As President of the Council writes a notice in not more than 50 words telling the students about this excursion and inviting their names for joining it.
3 March 2020
Excursion to Ajanta and Ellora
8. Yor the students of class XII, the Students’ Council or the school has organised an excursion to the Ajanta and Elora caves near Aurangabad in Maharashtra, during the coming Winter Break. It will be two days’ excursion and will cost about Rs. 1000/- each. Those who are willing to join should give their names to the undersigned by the tenth of this month.
Student’s Council
Patna High School, Patna
8. You are Robit/Rashi. As the Secretary of the Cultural Club of your school, you have organized a Culural Evening as a thanks giving programme on the last day of your school. Write a notice for your school notice board, giving necessary information about this event in not more then 50 words.
1 March 2020
Cultural Club
The cultural club of our school is holding a thanks giving programme on the excellent performance of the club during the year. The programme will be held on Saturday the 7 October, the last day of the school. All are coordially invited to attend the function in the school hall. The function will begin with ‘Yajan’ at 8 a.m. in the morning.
Cultural Club
9. You are Pushpak/Pooja. As Secretary of the Social Service League of your school, you have organized a cultural benefit show in aid of mentally handicapped children of your town, Vijayawada. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice-board, giving necessary information about the programme.
10 March 20
Social Service League . Patna Collegiate, Patna
The Social Service League of the school is holding a variety show in aid of, mentally hendicapped children of our town. The show will be held of the 15th of Aril at 7 p.m. in the school hall. Many renowned artists of the state have been invited to take part in it. Tickets for the show can be had from the league office.
S.S. League
10. You arc Rahul/Rashmi. As President of the Literary Club of your school you have organized an inter-school debate competition on the occasion of the silver Jubilee Celebrations of your school. Write a notice in about 50 words, informing the students of your school about the competition.
26 Feb. 20..
Literary Club
On the occasion of the Silver Jubilee Celebration of our school, the Literary Club of the school is holding an inter-school debate competition on the 28th of the month. The competition will be held in the school hall and will begin at 11 a.m. About fifteen teams are expected to take part in the competition. All are invited to attend.
Rahul Sharma
Literary Club
English (100 Marks)
11. You are the sports captain of Jalan Senior High School. Write a notice in fifty words for the school notice-board informing the students about the Inter-School Basketball match to be played. (Give all necessary details of the match.)
10 March 20….
Jalan High School
Inter-school Basketball Match
This is to inform all the students of the school that the final match of the Inter-School Basketball Competition will be played on our school grounds on Monday, the 20th of this month. The match will be played between our school and the New Model School. The match will start at 2 p.m. sharp. All are cordially invited to witness his match and give our players a cheering hand.
Radhey Shyam
Sports Captain
12. Your school is organising a cultural evening to collect funds for the slum children. The Education Minister has consented to be the Chief Guest on the occasion. Draft a notice about it to displayed on your school notice- board. You are the school Head Boy/Head Girl.
15 September 20…
School Notice Board
Our schools has decided to organise a cultural evening to collect funds for the children of slum dwellers. The Education Minister has very kindly consented to grace the occasion with his presence. The programme will be held on the 27th in the school hall, from 6.00 to 8.00 p.m. All are invited to come.
(Head Girl)
13. Your school, Marwari High School is organising a cultural evening to collect funds for slum children. The Human Resources Development Minister has kindly consented to be the Chief Guest. Draft a notice for your school notice board. You are the Cultural Secretary of the school.
21 March 20….
Our school has decided to organize a cultural evening to collect funds for the children of slum dwellers. The Human Resources Development Minister has kindly consented to grace the occasion with his presence. The programme will be held on the 29th in the school hall, from 6.00 to 8.00 p.m. All are invited.
(Cultural Secretary)
14. Your school is holding a summer camp for training students in Hockey and Basketball. Write a notice for the School Notice Board of Mokama Ghat High School. You are the Sports Secretary of the School.
2 March, 20
Mokama Ghat High School
Our school is holding a summer camp for training students in the games of Hockey and Basketball. The camp shall be held on the Municipal Stadium from the 19th of June to the 30th. Those who are willing to participate should give their names to the undersigned by the 7th of this month. Each participant shall have to pay Rs. 500/- only for board and lodging.
15. You are the Secretary of your School Literary Association. Write a notice for your School Notice Board, giving details of the inauguration of the Literary Association activities. You are ABC of Maner Senior Secondary School Maner.
9 Feb. 20
Maner Senior Secondary School
It gives me great pleasure to inform all the students of our school that we have formed a Literary Association in our school. The Association will organise literary debtates, discussions, talks, lectures and other such literary activities. The inauguration of the Literary Association activities will take place on the 15th of this month in the school hall, at 12.30 p.m. The inauguration will be performed by our worthy Principal. All are co-ordially invited to come.
School Literary Association
16. You are Narain/Namrata, the Cultural Secretary of Senior Secondary School, Motihari. Write a notice suitable for your Schoo Notice Board giving the details for participation of students in a cultural programme tobe organised by your school.
Motihari Senior Secondary School
Students’ Notice Board
The Cultural Society of the school is organising a cultural programme at the end of the next month. The different items in the programme shall include mono-acting, folk dance, music (Vocal and Instrumental), skils, etc. prizes shall be awarded to the best participant in each item. Those who are willing to participate should give their names to the undersigned by the end of this month.
(Cultural Secretary)