Bihar Board Class 12th English Book Solutions Report Writing
Bihar Board Class 12 English Report Writing
1. Your school has celebrated Cleanliness Week organizing a number of inter-house competitions and awarded the prizes in gala function. As secretary of Students; Council of your school, prepare a report in not more than 100 words. Sign yourself as Sunil/Sunita.
Cleanliness Week Celebrated
Inter-house competitions were held in the ‘Cleanliness Week’ of St. Martin School, Bhagalpur. The theme of this drive was to create awareness about clean surroundings among the students. The Tagore (louse was declared first, while the Jagriti House came as the first runner up. The second runner up slot was occupied by The Subhash House. Loads of garbage were dumped by the students in the cleanliness drive. The school was given a face-lift in this operation lasting one week. The team of students distributed in different houses took charge of different wings of the school for cleanliness. Competitions of painting and poster-making were also held on this theme. Individual prizes in ‘Best Painting; and ‘Best Poster’ were bagged by Pankaj (Class XII-E) and Chetna (Class XII-A) respectively.
Secretary, Students’ Council
St. Martin School, Bhagalpur
2. You are Itajan/Leela. As a resident citizen, you have organised a camp on ‘Say No to Poly Bags’ in your locality. Write a report in about 100 words for the school magazine.
Say No To Poly Bags
‘Say No to Poly Bags’. This is the theme of a three days’ camp being held at Adarsh Nagar, Patna. The threats posed by poly bags and the incessant use thereof-awareness about all this will be given during the camp. Sri Onkar Singh, a well-known environmentalist, will open the camp on Tuesday 25th December 2001 at 10 a.m. Polythene, like plastic, which was dramed as a wonder product is turning out to be the nemesis of humanity. The non- biodegradable product is a real threat to our environment. The switch-over to the use of paper bags and jute bags is the need of the hour. The hazards of poly bags will be highlighted during the camp. People, who care for the world they live in, are welcome to attend it.
R/o Adarsh Nagar,
3. Recently, your city has experiendced torrential rains. Write a report on the loss of life and property to be read out in your school assembly. Your report should be within 100 words.
Rains Spell Doom
The recent widespread torrential rains have caused major loss to the standing crops besides disrupting life. The weathermen have been putting the blame on westerly disturbances. The rains have caught everybody unaware and all the rivers and rivulets are overflowing. The District Administration has pressed army boats into service and people are being shifted to safe places. Refugee camps have been set up and food packets are being dropped in marooned areas, so far, more than fifty thousand people have been evacuated. A red alert has been sounded for low-lying areas. The loss to life and property is yet to be assessed.
4. You are the correspondent of a newspaper. Write a brief report for your paper on an earthquake in your area. Sign yourself as Abdul Karim.
Earthqualke Hits Lature
Latur: March 21,2002 An earthquake measuring 5.6 on the richter scale hit Latur in the early hours at 3.30 this morning. The tremors were felt for about 10 seconds. People ran out of their houses in panic. There was massive damage to the buildings. About five thousand are feared to be dead. Thousands are still buried under the debris. The epicentre of the quake is said to be in the Hindukush region. Rescue teams were out in full operation and hundreds of people buried under the debris hae been evacuated. Big cracks haveappeared in most of the buildings. Most of the people were caught unaware and were sleeping in their houses when the earthquake hit. The estimated loss may run into more than 100 crores.
Abdul Karim
5. You are Mundit/Manasi working as a newspaper reporter for The Times of India, yesterday, you were invited to attend a press conference convened by the Union Minister for Parliamentary Affairs on the proposed changes in the Constitution of India to provide a stable government to the country. Write a report for publication in your paper in not more than 100 words, covering the government’s proposals.
Press Conference On Constituttional Changes
Patna : Jan. 30, 20….
The Times of India, Newsservice
The press conference called by the Union Minister for Parliamentary Affairs at his residence has initiated a new’s dabate in the political circles. It seems that the Hon’ble Minister had done a lot of spade work on the subject. He spoke eloquently, logically and with the authority of a legal expert on the issue. Almost all the leading media men were present there. The minister for Parliamentary Affairs categorically advocated some drastic changes in the Constitution for the proposed Presidential Form of Govt. He brushed aside the fears raised by some correspondents that the proposed changes go against the spirit of the Constitution and the democratic federal nature of the Indian state. He forcefully pleaded that only a Presidential Form of Govt, can provide a stable govt, to the country.
6. Annubhav lives in Hazipur. On Monday last week, he was going along with his parents to watch Shakesperae’s play ‘The Merchant of Venice’ at Shri Ram Centre in hazipur. His father was driving his car. Anubhav was very excited. But at Paswan Chowk crossing, there was a bad traffic jam. Write his account of the jam in about 100 words.
When I Was Caught In A Traffic Jam
Last week, my father brought tickets for Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice’ to be played at Shri Ram Centre, Hazipur. The play was to start at 6.30 in the evening. But at the Paswan Chowk crossing, we were caught in a severe traffic jam. The traffic was moving at a snail’s pace. Huge lines of cars, buses and other vehicles could be seen for almost a mile. Hawkers and baloon- seilers were doing a brisk business. People were running for cold drinks during the jam. We cursed our luck for not being able to reach in time. I was dreaming about the easy pace of life during the earlier times.
7. Sandeep is a member of the Lion’s Club. A blood donation camp was organised on the National Integration Day. He was one of the blood donours on that day. Write Sandeep’s experience and feelings at the time of and after donating blood in about 100 words.
When I Donated Blood
Lion’s Club, Bhagalpur. organised a blood donation camp on National Integration Day. 102 volunteers donated blood in it. I had decided to donate blood on this occasion. But I was anxious, as it was my maiden experience. The doctors first checked my over-all health and then checked my Blood Group. I was aksed to lie down on the bed alongwith several other donors. I felt no pain or weakness during the process of giving blood. After that, I was given refreshment in the form of milk and apples. All my earlier fears about giving blood had gone now. I felt a lot of satisfaction and doing something for a noble cause. The fact that every drop of my blood could make the difference between life and death for some accident victim gave me the ultimate satisfaction.
8. Write in about 100 words the experience of watching the first show of a popular movie of its release in a local cinema hall.
Watching The First Show Of The Move
‘Kaante’-the much-awaited movie of super-star Amitabh Bacchan was up for release in the first w eek of January. It was to be screened at Baw a Cinema in our city-All my friends were very excited about the movie and we decided to watch its first show. We got one hour before it started and there was a great rush for tickerts. There were rumours that there was black-marketing on tickets. With the arrival of policemen, the black-marketeers got into hiding. The order was restored at the ticket-booth and we, somehow, got the balcony ticket. Once the film started, there was pin-drop silence. It was a jam-packed theatre turned up for the premier show.
9. Your cousin visited you last week for two days. Describe how you spent your weekend with him in Delhi.
How I Spent My Last Weekend
I invited my cousin last week to give me the pleasure of his company over the weekend. Incidentally, it was also his first visit to Jaipur. So, we decided to visit some places worthseeing. First, we went to the Hawa Mahal and then the Jantar Mantar. The Zoo was also the place where we spent some
quality time. Then we saw the matinee show at Kala Mandir. The theatre itself is one of the best in the country. It is sheer pleasure to watch a movie here. We returned home dead tired. We had a long sleep on Sunday. We went to the city park and had a good sunbath. It was a nice weekeneed spent with my cousin.
10. Sometimes even dreams come ture. It so happened to Mahabir, a student of Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Shakti Nagar, Muzaffarpur, who won the first prize of Delhi State Lottery, Mahabir never expected that his dream of the previous night would come true the next morning. The editor of the school magazine contacted Mahabir and asked him to write his experience in about 100 words. Putting yourself in Mahabir’s place, reproduce here what he wrote for the magazine.
When I Won A Lottery
I never believe in buying a lottery ticket. About a month back, when I was coming home with my friend, I found a five-rupee coin on the road. My friend suggested me to try my luck with it and buy a lottery ticket. I was anxiously waiting for the thaw. At night. I had a dream that I had won the first prize of Delhi State Lottery. Then in the morning, I matched my ticket number with the number published in the newspaper. I just couldn’t believe that it matched with mine. I reassured myself and began to jump with joy. It may appear improbable, but dreams do come true sometimes.
11. You are Beena/Biju, As a representative of your resident welfare association, you have attended a workshop on Art and Hand work. Write a report in about 100 words for publication in your association’s newsletter.
Workshop On Art And Handwork
A two days’ workshop on Art and Handwork concluded at Senior Secondary School, Gaya ayesterday. Mr. M.S. Chaturvedi, Principal of the Arts College, Chandigarh was the key-person who addressed the workshop. Other participants drawn from different schools and organisation presented their paper. Useful tips on using waste material for preparing handworks were suggested. Emphasis was laid on the use of indigeneous material for creating things of art. It was an enlightening experience to attend the workshop.
12. Your younger sister has to go to Pune by train. Explain to her the process of getting a reservation for a train journey.
The Process Of Getting Reservation For A Train Journey
For getting a reservation for a train journey, go to the railway station and see the reservation clerk to make sure whether births are available on the train you intend to travel on a particular date. If the seats are available, fill up the application form and hand it over to the reservation clerk. The number and name of the train, the journey date, the destination, the name of the person going on the journey with his age and sex are to be filled in the specified columns of the form. The reservation clerk checks the form, collects the money, makes an entry in the register and issues the ticket along with the reservation slip.
13. Your brother lives in a hostel who has to open a bank account Explain to him the process of opening a bank account.
The Process of A Saving Bank Account
A Saving Bank Account can be opened in the name of an individual or jointly in the name of two persons. A minor below ten years can open Savings Bank Account with his guardian. The person opening an account must be introduced by someone having an account in the bank. Just go to the bank you want to open your account with. Fill up the account opening form which requires your name, address, profession and your specimen signatures. You can open the account with just five hundred rupees. The depositor gets the Pass Book showing the money deposited, his name, address and the account number. A cheque book is also issued. But it is issued only to those who maintain a minimum balance of five hundred rupees in their account.
14. Your sister has joined a school where she will be commuting daily. Explain to her the process of applying for a bus pass.
The Process Of Applying For A Bus Pass
Students travelling by bus to reach their schools or colleges are given bus passes on concessional rates. You have to obtain an application from the transport office. This application is to be filled in by you legibly and neatly. The form contains information regarding the name of the student, his father’s name, the class and the school he is reading in and the starting points and destination of the journey. Then, you are to get it certified by the Principal or Headmaster of your school. Two passport size photographs of his are also to be attested by the Principal. The attested form and the photographs yours then deposited along with the requisite amount with the transport authority. The pass will, then, issued to you.
15. Your brother is seeking admission to a school. Explain to his the process of applying for admission to a school.
The Process Of Applying For Admission To A School
Nowadays it has become very difficult to get admission to a good school. Obtain an admission form the school. Information required in the form should be neatly and correctly filled up. Then deposit the form in the school office before the closing date along with the registration fee, if there is any. Then the schools adopt different methods. Some schools hold written tests. Some others hold interviews, while still others require both the written test as well as the interview. The interviewing committee verifies all entries in the application form. Only those students who are found fit by the committee are allowed admission. Then they are asked to deposit admission fee and other dues.
16. Explain the process of applying for a post to your younger sister in about 100 words.
The Process Of Applying For A Post
First of all, you should know where a vacancy exists. Then, write to the office concerned making a request for the application form, if there is any. If no application form is required, you should send a handwritten or a typed application for the post to the office concerned. When a number of applications have been received, they are scrutinized. See that you have sent the application form complete in all respects. If there is an application fee, don’t forget to remit the fee either through postal orders or through a bank draft. Also, don’t forget to send certificates and testimonials in support of your qualifications and experience along with your application. If your application is found in order, you are called for an interview.
17. You are Anita/Rajan. You have attended a workshop, on Creative Writing for students. Many well-known writers who attended the workshop interacted with the students and encouraged them. Write a report on this is about 100 words.
Workshop on Creative Writing at BPS March 01, 08, A two days workshop on ‘Creative Writing’ concluded at Bihar Public School, Bhagalpur yesterday. Many well-known writers interacted with the students and satisfied all their queries. The star attraction at the workshop was noted writer Shobha Dey speaking at the workshop, Shobha Dey urged the need for the right platform for giving exposure to the creative skills of young minds. She was asked questions ranging from the explicit treatment of sex in her writing to her controversial writings. Ms Dey was very candid and honest in answering all the questions, Earlier Manohar Malgonkar, the famous English fiction writer encouraged the students for writing and make it a passion of life. He thought that wall-magazine arid the school magazine was the right medium for budding writers.
18. The World Book Fair, which lasted for a month in your city, was the hot topic of all book lovers. Write a report of it in about 100 words for publication in a newspaper.
World Book Fair Concludes
The World Book Fair concluded at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, after receiving a huge turnout of book lovers from all comers of the country and abroad. The Fair was described as a big success by all and sundry. There was something for everybody in the fair in the sense that it catered to the needs of people of all ages. The latest books on medicine, agriculture, engineering and mass media were exhibited. There was a special bouquet for the children in the form of child literature in a very glossy and illustrated form. The latest works of the contemporary fiction writers were on display. The main attraction of the fair was a wide range of books on the latest teaching techniques for teachers, in brief, the fair was a rich feast for book lovers.
19. You have taken part in an inter-school oratorical competition conducted by the Govt, of India on the topic ‘Women Empowerment’ and won the first prize t the State Level. Write a report to be published in your school magazine. You are XYZ student of class XII of ABC School, Patna.
Mr Xyz Brings Honour For The School
Mr XYZ, student of class XII of this school has brought laurels and pride for the school. He has adjudged the best speaker in the inter-school oratorical competition conducted by the Govt, of India on the topic ‘Women Empowerment’. The Hon’ble Governor of Bihar presented him a memento and a trophy to be retained by the school. A total number of fifty-two students drawn from schools all over the state participated in the event. In the final round, only six students were left. There was a stiff competition as all the competitors were gifted with the jab and well-rehearsed on the given topic. Mr XYZ carried on the packed house with his oratorical skills, unmatched presentation and well-punctuated speech. We hope he will continue to bring such honours for the school in future also.
20. Your school has recently shifted the school library to a spacious hall with many facilities and it draws more students, thus promoting reading habit among students. You are XYZ, the school pupil leader. Writer a factual report of the new library in 100 words.
New Library Opened
The new library hall of the school has opened new vistas of learning for the students. It can be really called high-teach and modem in the real sense. There are no cumbersome catalogs as were found in the earlier cramped library. The whole information about the books is stored in the computers and the same can be got with the touch of a button. The dictionaries are stored in the form of CDs. The new hall uses natural sunlight to make reading a pleasure. The books are stored in such a manner on the shelves that they are easily accessible and their titles can be read without actually removing them from the shelf. If will surely facilitate reading habits among students.