Bihar Board 12th English Book 50 Marks Solutions Chapter 2 With The Photographer

Bihar Board Class 12th English Book Solutions 50 Marks Prose Chapter 2 With The Photographer Text Book Questions and Answers.

BSEB Bihar Board 12th English Book 50 Marks Solutions Chapter 2 With The Photographer

Bihar Board Class 12 English With The Photographer Text Book Questions and Answers

Question 1.
How had the photographer arranged his studio ?
The photographer’s studio had poor lighting arrangement. Sunlight came through a sleep of factory cotton which was fixed on posted window. The room had a big camera in the middle. A black cloth was attached to the camera.

Question 2.
What did the author think about his own face ?
The author thought that his face was not good.

Question 3.
Why did the photogapher take so much time ?
The phtographer wanted to have a natural pose of the winter so he took much time.

Bihar Board 12th English Book 50 Marks Solutions Chapter 2 With The Photographer

Question 4.
Why was the author angry with the photographer ?
The photographer was very much critical of all the winter’s organs. The winters features and wished to come home with another face.

Question 5.
Why did the photographer look pleased afer taking the picture ?
The photographer had at least the natural pose of the writer, when he burst out in anger the writer checked and he was now pleased that it was success.

Question 6.
Why did the author ask “Is it me ?” When he saw the photographer ?
When the writer saw the proof of his photograph, the photographer had changered all his organs, eye, ears, face, lips. So it looked the picture of another gentleman not of himself.

Question 7.
What had photographer done with the author’s eyes ?
Photographer had retouched the eyes and removed the brow.

Question 8.
What had he done with the author’s moouth ?
The photographer had adjusted the mouth a little because be found writer’s mouth too low.

Question 9.
What did he want to do with author’s earns ?
The photographer wanted to remove the author’s ears and fix another.

Question 10.
Why was the purpose of the photograph wasted ?
The author told the photographer that the photograph that had been taken was worthless. So he refused to take it and suggested him to keep with him. So the photographer’s purpose was wasted.

Question 11.
Had you been in the author’s place what could have been your reaction?
Had I been in the author’s place, I tod would have got a shock of my life. I would have taken the man to task taking so much liberty with my face in the picture. After all, a photograph is not a portrait painted by an artist to show job is to provide proper back ground and the light. He can only suggest the pose. It is not his business to alter altogether the face. I should have told him to take another picture. In case he refused, I too would have left the picture with the phtographer.

Question 12.
The author of the story is unusual. He is not pleased with the photographer’s talent. Give reasons in support of your answer.
No, I don’t agree with the statement. The man in the story is not unusual, he seems to be quite a simple and ordinary person. On the other hand, the photographer seems to be quite unusual, No doubt, he has a flait for details. He wants to present a perfect picture. He takes a lot of pains. There are the usual jobs of a photographer. But his behaviour is quite insulting. He doesn’t show any regard for narrator’s feelings.

He criticises the narrator’s features very crudely. He uses harsh and uncharitable language. The narrator shows a lot of patience. He bursts out only when the photographer tamers with all his features. The photographer does a brutal job. He presents a photograph that doesn’t depict the man who has been photographed.

Bihar Board 12th English Book 50 Marks Solutions Chapter 2 With The Photographer

Grammetical Questions

Question 1.
Use the following prepositions once only in the sentences below. The extract will help you

into, in, with, to through, of.
(a) Please go …………. on your work.
(b) You ought to filter that water ………… a cloth.
(c) I looked at him …………… amazement.
(d) He burst …………. loud laughter.
(e) He is reconciling himself …………… a lower salary.
(f) She was conscious …………. a pain in her car.
(a) with
(b) into
(c) threw
(d) to loud
(e) of
(f) in

Question 2.
In the sentence below, certain words or phrases are in italics to give the same meaning.
(a) He spoke to the child so harshly that he burst into tears.
(b) I jumped to one side.
(c) We intended to climb higher but the snow too deep.
(d) That car has several things wrong with it.
(e) Are you aware of any pain in your finger ?
(f) I Spoke to him rather sharply and he stopped annoying me.
(g) The soliders continued beating their drums.
(h) He has done the job very well.
(i) I have altered the length of your belt little.
(a) He spoke toThe child so severly that he burst into tears.
(b) I jumped to side ways.
(c) We thought to climb higher but the snow was too deep.
(d) That car has various thing wrong with it.
(e) Are you notice of any pain in your finger ?
(f) I spoke to him rather hesitingly and stopped annoying me.
(g) The soliders spendidly beating their drums.
(h) He has done the job very’ nice.
(i) I have changed the length of your belt a little.

Question 3.
Use the following words once only in the sentences below:
trifle, privace, worthless, ackenowledge, reconstruct, reconcile, depict, filtered, humble, enthusiasm.

(a) This scene …………. a …………. beggar girl in rags.
(b) The police are going to …………. the scene of the murder.
(c) Don’t worry about that broken vase, it was only a ………….
(d) Sea water must be …………… before you drink it.
(e) In Germany before 1940 paper money was ………….
(f) I received you letter last week, I am sorry I hadn’t time to ………….. it till now.
(g) He can’t ………… himself to the loss of that money.
(h) He has great ………… for books he is always in the library.
(i) We are planting a hedge-round our garden for greater
(a) worthless; humble
(b) reconcile
(c) privace
(d) filtered
(e) trifle
(f) acknowledge
(g) depict
(h) enthusiasm
(i) reconstruct

Bihar Board 12th English Book 50 Marks Solutions Chapter 2 With The Photographer

Question 4.
Give the subjects with which the infinitives given in the box are associated as in the following example
to dam — tailor
to brake —driver
to burrow — rabbit
to message —masseur

to saw, to distemper, to board, to believe that you cannot prevent things from happening, to believe that other countries are not as good as your own, to fight for any army that will pay you, to kill a famous or important person, to secretly plan with someone to do something bador illegal especially in politics, to make large profits by charging high prices.
Bihar Board 12th English Book 50 Marks Solutions Chapter 2 With The Photographer 1

Bihar Board 12th English Book 50 Marks Solutions Chapter 2 With The Photographer

Question 5.
Select the appropriate antonym from the options given against each word and use them in sentence of your own:
enthusiam – apathy, disinterest, detest, hate
dim – bright, distinct, clear, encouraging, turn up
severely – slightly, mildly, leniently, genitally
frantic – calm, peaceful, quiet, silent, dumb, loud, busy, public
grave – carefree, cheerful, happy, delighted
expand – shrink, contract, condense, scale down.
splendid – Unimpressive, ordinary, undistinguished, dreadful, awful.
Bihar Board 12th English Book 50 Marks Solutions Chapter 2 With The Photographer 2

Bihar Board 12th English Book 50 Marks Solutions Chapter 2 With The Photographer

Comprehension Passage

Read the extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow each:

I. “I want my photograph taken”, I said. The photographer looked at me without enthusiasm. He was a drooping man one a grey suit, with the dim eyes of a natural scientist. But there is no need to describe him. Everybpdy know what a photographer is like.

“Sit there,” he said, “and wait.”
I watted an hour.
After an hour the photographer opened the inner door.
“Come in,” he said severely.

a. What sort of reception did the narrator get at the studio ?
The narrator was received coldly by the photographer.

b. What was the photographer like ?
The photographer was a man without much spirit or zeal. He was a drooping man with the dim eyes of a physical scientist.

c. How could he be called a natural scientist ?
He could be called a natural scientist for two reasons. One, he studied the physical features of the narrator like an expert biologist. Two, he used scientific term sulphide for the processing of photograph.

d. Why do you think was the photographer rude ?
The photographer was rude in his speech as well as manners. Perhaps he had an inflated opinion about his talent.

e. Use the adjective form of need and describe in sentences of your own.
We ought to help the needy, the old and the children.

2. “Stop,” I said with emotion but, I think, with dignity, “This face is my face. It is hot yours; it is mine, I’ve lived with it for forty years and I know its \ faults. I know it’s out of drawing; I know it wasn’t made for me; but it’s my face ‘ the only one I have”—I was conscious of a break in my voice, but I went on “such as it is, I’ve learned to love it. And this is my mouth, not yours. These ears are mine and if your machine is too narrow—Here I started to rise from the seat.

a. Whom did the speaker ask to stop ? What did he object to ?
The speaker asked the photographer to stop giving a series of instructions to him. .

b. Did the speaker feel proud of his face ?
No, he knew its faults. Still he had learned to love it.

c. What explanation did the photographer give for annoying the narrator ?
The photographer said that he had deliberately provoked the narrator in order to make it lively enough for a fine picture.

d. Was he really proud of his face and features ?
No, he had no wrong notion about his appearance. His face was ordinary.

3. Listen,” I interrupted, drawing myself up and annimating my features to their full extent and speaking with a withering scorn that should have blasted the man on the spot. “I came here for a photograph, a picture, something which—bad though it seems—would have looked like me. I wanted something that would depict my face as Heaven gave it to me, humble though the gift may have been. I wanted something that my friends should kesp after my death, to reconcile them to my loss. It seems that I was grossly mistaken.

a. Whom did the speaker address and when ?
The speaker addressed the photographer who had made a miss of the picture.

b. Why was the speaker so much excited and in rage ?
The speaker has enraged when the photographer justified his action of changing the author’s features in the picture.

c. With what hope had he come to the photographer ?
The author had gone to the studio to get a faithful depiction of his face and features in a photograph.

d. In what sense was he mistaken ?
He was sadly mistaken and disappointed. The picture did not resemble him at all.

4. What I wanted is no longer done. Go on, then with your brutal work. Take your negative, or whatever it is you call it, dip it in sulphide, bromide, oxide, cowhide-anything you like: remove the eyes, correct the mouth, adjust the face, restore the lips, reanimate the necktie and reconstruct the waistcoat. Coat it with an inch of gloss, shade it, emboss it, gild it, till even you knowledge that it is finished. Then when you have done all that, keep it for yourself and your friends. They may value it. To me it is but a worthless bauble.”

a. What had the speaker wanted ? What was his experience ?
The speaker had wanted a photocopy of his face. He was badly disappointed. The picture did not look like him at all.

b. Was the work of the photorapher really ‘brutal’ ?
Yes, the work could be called cruel. The photographer had changed the features altogether in the picture.

c. Why did the speaker leave the picture with the photographer ?
The speaker left the photograph with the photographer so that it might be used for him and for his friends.

Bihar Board 12th English Book 50 Marks Solutions Chapter 2 With The Photographer

With The Photographer Word Meanings

Enthusianm-zeal, excitement = उत्साह | Drooping-hanging down=झुकी हुई Dim-not bright = कम रोशनी की, Natural scientist-a scientist of physical science = प्रकृति-वैज्ञानिक । Beam-ray = किरण । Filtered through(here) crossed through = गुजरकर आती थी Sheet-(here) cloth = चादर Frosted skylight-dim light due to frost = पाले पडने से मंद रोशनी Crawled-moved slowly along the ground = रेंगता आया । Tearing-separating = जुदा करते हुए । Hook-bent piece of metal = काँटा अंकुशाकर। Apparently-obviously, seemingly = दिखाई देने वाली, प्रकट रूप से । Frantic-wild, excited = उत्तेजित व्यग्र Still-calm, quiet = शान्त Grave-serious = गंभीर Enthusiastically-taking great interest = उस्ताहित होकर Human side-human qualities = मानवीय गुण Boundless limitless = असीमित | Ceased-stopped = बन्द कर दिया । Thisted-bent = मोड़ा । Sideways-towards both the sides = दोनों और Sighed-drew a deep breath = आह भरी आह भरी | Droop-hang down = नीचे लटकाना । Roll-moved round = घुमाना । Lips-eye-kids = Expand-spread out = फुलाना Hump-(here) round lump= फुलाना Contract-shrink, shoorten = सिकोड़ना a little = थोड़ा सा Swung-moved from one side to the other = झोलते हुए Emotion(here) strong feeling = आवेश Out of drawing-cotinued = जारी रहा Snickmake a small cut = काटना Staggering-unable to stand property = लड़खड़ाते हुए Pursing-drawing together = मिलाते हुए, सिकोड़ते हुए ।

Features-parts of the face =चेहरा – मोहरा Animation-liveliness = सजीवता Bitingly-harshly = कठोरता से । Animate-make lively = सजीव बना । Beckoned-made a gesture =संकेत दिया Graver-more serious = अधिक गंभीर Hesitatingly-lacking courage to say = झीझी कते हुए Retouchedrenovated = दोबारा से ठीक-ठाक करना । Splendidly-in a grand manner = शानदार ढंग से Glance-a short look = झलक Applied-(here) used = इस्तेमाल किया Skull-bony frame of the head = खोपड़ी Superficies-surfaces = सतह Brow line-eye-brow = भैंहे Lost on-had no effect = कोई भी प्रभाव न होना Adjusted-set right = ठीक करना Interrupted-cut him short = बीच में बोल पड़ा Drawing myself up-getting ready = साहस बटोरते हुए Withering scorndeep hatred = तीव्र घृणा | Blasted-burnt = भस्म का दिया । Depict-present = चित्रित करना । Reconcile-agree = स्वीकार करना । Gloss-brightening substance = चमक । Emboss-cause figure = उभार कर चित्र पेश करना । Gild-like gold = सोने के समान पॉलिश | acknowledge-accept = सहमत होना । Bauble-a thing of little value = दिखावटी छोटी चीज ।

Bihar Board 12th English Book 50 Marks Solutions Chapter 2 With The Photographer

With The Photographer Summary in Hindi

लेखक Stephen Leacock अपना फोटो खिचवाने के लिए स्टूडियो गया । वहाँ उसे एक बड़ा ही कटु अनुभव हुआ । फोटोग्राफर संवेदनहीन व्यक्ति था । ग्राहक के आने से वह न तो प्रसन्न होता था और न उत्सुक । उसने लेखक को बैठकर प्रतीक्षा करने को कहा। एक घंटा के बाद वह लेखक को स्टूडियो के डार्क रूम में ले गया । वहाँ प्रकाश और हवा पर्याप्त नहीं थी। वह एक बड़ी मशीन लुढ़काकर कमरे के बीच लाया और एक सेकेण्ड के लिए पीछे गया। वह बाहर निकला और अंकुशवाली छड़ी से सूती चादर हटाया ।

वह पुनः मशीन के पीछे गया और अपने ऊपर काला कपड़ा डाल दिया । अन्ततः जब वह बाहर निकला तो काफी गम्भीर था । उसने कहा कि लेखक का चेहरा बिल्कुल गलत है । यदि यह तीन चौथाई भाग होता तो अच्छा होता । लेखक कोई प्रतिक्रिया नहीं व्यक्त की। उसने गलत आरोप को सहजता से सत्य मान लिया। उसको कहा कि यदि फोटोग्राफर का चेहरा बड़ा और लम्बा रहता तो बहुत अच्छा होता । लेकिन फोटोग्राफर इस बात को नहीं सुना । वह आया और उसने लेखक का सिर हाथों से पकड़ा तथा उसे इधर-उधर घुमाया । वह खड़ा होकर उसे देखने लगा तब उसने कहा कि उसका सिर भी दोषपूर्ण है वह पुनः मशीन के पीछे लेखक को देखने के लिए गया। वह लेखक को निर्देश देने लगा ।

फोटोग्राफर पहले लेखक को थोड़ा-सा मुँह खोलने के लिए कहा । फिर उसे बन्द करने और कान को थोड़ा नीचे रखने, आँखें चलाने और दोनों हाथों को घुटने पर रखने, चेहरा को थोड़ा ऊपर उठाने, फेफड़े को फुलाने और चेहरा को स्थिर रखने को कहा। लेखक फोटोग्राफर की ओर घूमा और निर्देश खत्म करने को कहा । उसने आगे कहा कि चेहरा उसका अपना है और इसी चेहरा के साथ चालीस वर्षों से रहता आया है। वह इसके दोषों से पूर्ण परिचित है और उसे प्यार करना सीखा है ।

लेखक जैसे ही अपने स्थान से उठना चाहा फोटोग्राफर कैमरा का बटन दबा दिया । तस्वीर ले ली गई । वह प्रसन्न दिखता था । उसने कहा कि उसने जानबूझ कर लेखक को उत्तेजित किया है। उसने कहा कि वह पहले तस्वीर को डेवलप करेगा और शनिवार को उसका प्रूफ दिखायेगा।

शनिवार को लेखक प्रूफ देखने के लिए स्टूडियो गया । उसे लगा कि तस्वीर उसकी अपनी नहीं है । फोटोग्राफर ने लेखक की आँखों को पुर्णर्पश दिया था जिससे कि देखने में अच्छा लगे । भौंहें सल्फाइड लगाकर हटा दिया गया है । जिससे भौंह की एक नई रेखा बनायी जा सकें। मुँह को भी ठीक किया गया है और अन्तिम प्रिन्ट में कान को भी ठीक कर दिया जाएगा ।

लेखक अपना धैर्य खो बैठा । वह उत्तजित होकर बोला कि वह अपने चेहरे को विश्वासजनक प्रतिलिपि लेने आया था जिसे देखकर मृत्यु के पश्चात् भी उनका मित्र उन्हें पहचान सकें । लेकिन वह बुरी तरह ठगा गया । उसने फोटोग्राफर से कहा कि वह निगेटिव अपने पास रखे और उस पर हर प्रकार के रासायनिक पदार्थ लगाये । अब चित्र का काम पूरा हो जाए तो उसे अपने पास अपने मित्र के लिए रख लें । यह लेखक के लिए निरर्थक वस्तु है । लेखक अपनी आँसू नहीं रोक सके और वहाँ से वापस चल दिए ।

Bihar Board 12th English Book 50 Marks Solutions Chapter 2 With The Photographer

With The Photographer Summary in English

The author went to a studio go get himself photographed. He had a bitter experience. The photographer was a spiritless person. He did not seem to be happy and excited at getting a customer. He received the narrator coldly and asked him to wait. After an hour’s waiting he asked the customer to come get into the inner room the studio. The light and tfie air there were insufficient. He rolled a big room one and went behind it for only a second to have a look at him. He came out and tyearing at the cotton curtain on the window panes with a hooked stick.

He went behind the machine again and drew a black cloth over himself. When he came out at last, he looked serious. He remarked that the author’s face was quite wrong and it would be better three-quarters full. The author did not react. He accepted the unpleasant comment as true. He added that even the photographer’s own face would look better of it were wide and large. But the man did not listen to it. He walked up and twisted the author head sideways as far as it would go. He stood looking at it. Then he said with a sign that the head also had its faults. He went behind the machine again to have another look. He started giving instructions.

The photographer first asked the author to open the mouth a little, close drop the ears a little more, roll the eyes under the lids put his hands on the knees turn the face a little upwards expand the lungs and contract the face. It was so very irriating. The author could not keep his cool. He turned to the photographer’s and told him to stops issuing instructions. He added that the face was his and since he had only one face, he had lived with it for forty years. He knew its faults still he had learned to love it.

As the author stared to rise from his seat. The photographer clicked the cameras. The picture was taken. He looked pleased. He remarked that he had intentionally irritated the author so as catch his feature in a moment of excitement. He said that he would first develop the negative and show the proof on Saturday.

On Saturday the author went back to the studio to see the proof. He was stunned to notice that the picture did not look like his own. The eyes, said the photographer, had been retouched in order to make them look better. The eye brows were removed with a chemical sulphide in order to make out a new brow line. The mouth had also been adjusted. As for the ears they could also be fixed all right in the final print.

The author lost his temper. He said scornfully that he had come to get a faithful copy of his face, exactly as the heaven had given it to him. He wanted a picture that his friends might recognise and keep as a memoir after his death. But he was badly mistake. He told the artist to keep the negative with him, did it in all sorts of chemicals, make as many changes in the features as he liked and put a gloss on it.

When the work was finished, he should keep the picture for himself and his friends. To the another it was a useless thing. He could not control his tears and left the place.

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